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We are Open Foundation. The We are Open Foundation is involved in the integration of mentally handicapped people into the normal work process.

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Presentation on theme: "We are Open Foundation. The We are Open Foundation is involved in the integration of mentally handicapped people into the normal work process."— Presentation transcript:

1 We are Open Foundation

2 The We are Open Foundation is involved in the integration of mentally handicapped people into the normal work process.

3 The campaign was on television, print and outdoor media, on the radio and on the internet and had a straightforward message:

4 mentally handicapped people are (in many situations) the same as you, so employ them!

5 TV


7 Did you recognise yourselves?

8 Then take a look at the print and outdoor advertisements too!




12 How to get the idea We are like you on the radio?

13 Try imagining a world championships for HR managers in KARAOKE.

14 Radio spot

15 But who are the mentally handicapped really closest to?

16 Yes, it´s our politicians. (but it might be best to have this only on the internet)

17 viral


19 Important question at the end: Did the campaign work?

20 Let´s ask Mirecek: How do you like working for Young & Rubicam?


22 Campaign results The campaign in support of employing the people with mental handicap which is known as „Try it!“ and which was organized during March and April of 2008 has resulted in an increased number of inquiries at the „We are Open“ Information and Consulting Centre of the Citizen´s Association.

23 In comparison with the year 2007 the share of inquiries concerning employment has increased by one third and this type of inquiries has become the most frequent problem which was handled by the Information and Consulting Centre of the Citizen´s Association.

24 We appreciate your time and patience. Thank you.

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