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Cambodia in Crisis 169,000 Flee Thailand in 6 days Fearing Military Crackdown.

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2 Cambodia in Crisis 169,000 Flee Thailand in 6 days Fearing Military Crackdown

3 Situation Report (at June 17) Just over a week ago, the ruling military junta in Thailand announced that undocumented Cambodian migrant workers were required to leave the country within ten days. Fearing prosecution and forced removal, an estimated 169,000 people have crossed the border since 11 June Up to 14,000 men, women, and children are fleeing across the border or being transported across by police and dumped on the streets of Poipet every day. Many have been without food, water, or shelter for several days. There is no sanitation, and people are sleeping on the streets. Almost half are women and children. Local systems are completely overwhelmed.

4 a base office in Poipet strong knowledge of the local working environment good relationships with government officials we are positioned to act quickly Samaritan’s Purse has;

5 How Samaritan’s Purse is Responding 7 tents have been setup to provide shelter and working space for relief operations with medical provided by the Red Cross ~148,392 meals and food packets from SP and local Cambodian donors have been distributed ~252,000 bottles of water from SP and local Cambodian donors have been distributed 4,300 hygiene kits have been distributed to men, women and children. Safe Migration booklets have been distributed to returnees

6 DAY OF CHANGE FOR CAMBODIA Gold Coin Donation Be a FUNDRAISER for a day


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