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Using the list below, draw and label Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: Physical Reaching Potential Belonging Safety Feeling Recognized.

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Presentation on theme: "Using the list below, draw and label Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: Physical Reaching Potential Belonging Safety Feeling Recognized."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using the list below, draw and label Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: Physical Reaching Potential Belonging Safety Feeling Recognized


3 1. Respect 2. Caring 3. Fairness 4. Citizenship 5. Trustworthiness 6. Responsibility A. honest, loyal, reliable B. considerate of others C. think before you act D. play by the rules E. compassionate, kind F. advocate for a safe environment/community B E D F A C


5  Stress is the reaction of the body and mind to everyday challenges and demands  Stressor is anything that causes stress

6 “ARF”  Alarm ◦ Body goes into high alert ◦ Fight-or-Flight Response  Resistance ◦ Body adapts and reacts to stressor ◦ Potential for more endurance  Fatigue ◦ Body loses its ability to adapt ◦ Tire and can’t manage stress (shut down) Physical Symptoms: Pupils dilate, faster HR, increase BP, muscles tense

7  Life Situations- school, bullying, friends, peer pressure, family, moving  Environmental- natural disasters, media, war, global warming  Biological- changes in body, illness, injury  Cognitive (thinking)- poor self- esteem, personal appearance  Personal Behavior- busy schedule, relationship issues, substance abuse

8  At your age now, what is the top 3 stressors?  At your parents age, what is the top 3 stressors?  For an 85 year-old individual, what is the top 3 stressors?

9  Psychosomatic Response- physical reaction that results from stress rather than from an injury or illness ◦ Headache, high BP, clenching of teeth, digestive issues, weakened immune system.  Chronic Stress- associated with long-term problems that are beyond a person’s control

10  Plan ahead/ Make a Schedule ◦ Make a calendar, use an agenda, write things down  Use Refusal Skills ◦ Don’t agree to help with everything or take on too many extra projects  Think positively ◦ Control your view and avoid extra negativity

11 Handle StressStaying Healthy  Relaxation Techniques ◦ Breathing ◦ Yoga  Redirect your energy  Seek Support  Get Adequate Rest  Get Regular Physical Activity  Eat Nutritious Foods

12  Denial  Emotional Release  Anger  Bargaining  Depression  Remorse  Acceptance  Hope

13  Mourning- the act of showing sorrow or grief  Empathy- showing you care to someone who is grieving ◦ What can you do or have you done to help a grieving person?

14  Any event that has a stressful impact sufficient to overwhelm your normal coping strategies ◦ Examples:  Suicides  Accidents  Assaults  Natural disasters ◦ Think:  9-11, School Shootings… what else?

15  Denial  Emotional Release  Anger  Bargaining  Depression  Remorse  Acceptance  Hope Name a time when you have gone through the stages of grief. If you personally haven’t experienced a loss, explain how you have witnessed someone else go through these stages. This could be for a person, pet, loss of a parents marriage, moving to a new school, etc. Must have at least two paragraphs (4-5 sentences in each), explaining what you felt or witnessed.

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