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Managing Stress Learning how to manage stress is an important part of staying healthy.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Stress Learning how to manage stress is an important part of staying healthy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Stress Learning how to manage stress is an important part of staying healthy.

2 How Does Stress Affect You? Stress - the reaction of the body and mind to everyday challenges and demands Perception - the act of becoming aware through the senses

3 STRESSORS 1. Biological – changes in body, illness, disability 2. Environmental – natural disasters, media, War 3. Cognitive – Poor self-esteem, personal appearance 4. Personal behavior – Smoking, relationship issues 5. Life situation – school demands, family problems

4 How the Body Responds to Stress Two Main Body Systems: the Nervous system and the endocrine system This response is largely involuntary, or automatic.

5 Your Body’s Response to Stressors  Fight or Flight Response is activated. Adrenaline triggers body and mind to go on high alert.  body adapts and reacts to the stressor You choose to “fight” or take “flight.”  When exposure to stress is prolonged, your body loses its ability to adapt to the stressor. You get sick. Stage 1 = ALARM Stage 2 = RESISTENCE Stage 3 = FATIGUE

6 3 Types of Fatigue 1.Physical: When the muscles work vigorously for long periods 2.Psychological: Due to constant worry, overwork, depression, boredom, or isolation 3.Pathological: Brought on by overworking the body’s defenses in fighting disease Fatigue may set in when exposure to stress is prolonged.

7 Physical Effects of Stress Psychosomatic Response - a physical reaction that results from stress rather than from an injury/illness. It is not imagined!

8 Describe the Body’s Response to Stress(ors).

9 Strategies for Controlling the Effects of Stress Engage in physical activity. Look for support among your friends and family. Find a hobby or activity that relaxes you. Avoid using tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs.

10 The first step in stress management is to Identify the causes of stress: Life events Physical stressors Daily hassles Chronic Stress – stress associated with long-term problems that are beyond a person’s control.

11 Avoiding or Limiting Stress Use Refusal Skills Plan ahead – You decide in advance what you want to accomplish and what steps you’ll take. Get enough sleep – 8 to 10 hours recommended, better mood and thinking abilities for success. Engage in regular physical activity – releases excess energy Eat nutritious food – avoid “crutch” foods, they cause fatigue, weakness, reduced ability to concentrate, and nutrient deficiencies. Avoid tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs – Substance use makes the body more prone to diseases

12 Protector Factors - are conditions that shield individuals from the negative consequences of exposure to risk. EXTERNAL FACTORS Family Peers Opportunities to participate in school projects or community events INTERNAL FACTORS Commitment to Learning Positive Values Social competency Positive Identity

13 Being Resilient As A Teenager Resilient individuals can handle adversity in healthful ways and achieve long-term success. adversity Resiliency - the ability to adapt effectively and recover from disappointment, difficulty, or crisis.

14 Handling Stress and Reducing Its Effects Developing and practicing Stress Management Skills is one of the steps to good mental health. Redirect your energy. Keep a positive outlook. Relax and laugh. Use deep breathing, yoga, etc. Seek out support.

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