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Window To The West  Late 1600’s CZAR Peter I (aka Peter the Great).  Wanted to modernize Russia  Enlarged its territory, acquired seaports along the.

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1 Window To The West  Late 1600’s CZAR Peter I (aka Peter the Great).  Wanted to modernize Russia  Enlarged its territory, acquired seaports along the Baltic Sea  Built the capital of St. Petersburg as a major port city

2 Karl Marx  Father of modern communism  Advocated two principles: public ownership of all land and means of production, and class society with equal wealth.  Prior to the revolutions of 1917, land ownership in Russia was solely that of the wealthy and the Czar.

3 USSR  Helped defeat Germany in World War II.  Set up communist “satellites” in eastern Europe.  Cold War  Ideological war  Perestrolka  1991

4 Chechnya  Oil and gas pipelines run through Chechen lands.  If Russia looses control of Chechnya, they loose control of this valuable resource.  In May 2000, President Vladimir Putin established direct rule to attempt to stop rebels who were fighting for Chechnya’s freedom


6 Crimea  2013 – Viktor Yanukovych  Broke ties with EU for agreement with Russia  Large protests  2014 Russian troops move into Crimea


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