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WEDNESDAY Agenda –1) Pass back Tests –2) 10 Commandments v Hammurabi –3) Start Egypt PPT –4) Nile River Mini Q Homework –NONE What’s Next –Friday- Finish.

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Presentation on theme: "WEDNESDAY Agenda –1) Pass back Tests –2) 10 Commandments v Hammurabi –3) Start Egypt PPT –4) Nile River Mini Q Homework –NONE What’s Next –Friday- Finish."— Presentation transcript:

1 WEDNESDAY Agenda –1) Pass back Tests –2) 10 Commandments v Hammurabi –3) Start Egypt PPT –4) Nile River Mini Q Homework –NONE What’s Next –Friday- Finish Egypt –September 30 th - Mesoamerica –October 2 nd - Unit Wrap Up and Potentially Start Unit 3 –October 6 th - TEST (Tentative)

2 On the back of your “Read Like a Historian” answer the following questions in complete sentences. –1) Is the 10 Commandments a code of laws? Why or why not? –2) What type of law code is it? How does that make it very different from Hammurabi? –3) What types of laws are in the Ten Commandments? (Hint, try splitting them in half) –4) How are the two different? Consider specifics of the laws. –5) How are the two similar? Consider bigger idea or purpose.

3 Did YOU Know?!? According to studies, men change their minds two to three times more often than women. There are more female than male millionaires in the United States. When opossums are playing opossum, they are not “playing.” They are actually passing out due to sheer terror. On some Caribbean islands, the oysters can climb trees.


5 Geography Located in Sahara Desert in North Africa along the Nile River Nile River –Flows northward 4,100 miles from the highlands of east- central Africa to the Mediterranean Sea Longest river in the world. Egypt’s only major fresh water supply.

6 Importance of the Nile The Nile impacted EVERY aspect of Egyptian life –Survival Yearly flooding brought the water and rich soil Nile and Sahara Desert provided protection –Economics Jobs and growing seasons depended on the Nile flooding –Transportation Unified the kingdom Promoted trade with Nubia and Kush –Religion: Nile is worshipped and Gods decide whether it floods

7 GOVERNMENT Imperial Bureaucracy –Empire with a single leader –Duties of government split amongst government workers –Allows the empire to be controlled and run easier- split up the jobs! Pharaohs –Kings of Egypt that were seen as gods Mixed religion and government (Theocracy) –Rule based on heredity Passed down through the family Known as a dynasty –Responsible for the kingdom’s well being. Caused the sun to rise, the Nile to flood, and the crops to grow. Promoted truth and justice

8 Religion Polytheistic –Believing in over 2,000 gods. Notable Gods –Ra- Sun God »Made the Nile River flood –Horus- God of Light –Gods played a role in all aspects of life Afterlife –Believed the soul lived on after death –Osiris- God of the Dead

9 PYRAMIDS AND MUMMIES Mummies –Egyptians preserved the dead using mummification Pyramids –Built as a resting place for pharaohs Egyptians believed that after death, the pharaoh's eternal spirit continued to take part in government. Their tombs were even more important than their palaces.

10 Society and Economics Hierarchy class system: position in society determines your rights and power –Social Movement possible Could gain higher status through marriage or success in jobs –Social class based on jobs and occupation Pharaohs and Gods Imperial Bureaucrats: people who worked in the Egyptian government under the Pharaoh Merchants and traders- along the Nile River Farmer and Unskilled Workers

11 Egyptian Society and Economics King, Queen, Royal Family Landowners, government officials, army commanders Merchants and Artisans Peasant farmers, unskilled laborers

12 Egyptian Society Later, slavery became widespread source of labor. –They were usually captives from foreign wars –Served the homes of the rich or in gold mines

13 Egyptian Writing Egyptian writing is know as hieroglyphics. –picture stands for an idea –One of the first civilizations to write on paper Known as papyrus

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