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Eye CHAPTER 12. Combining Forms for the Eye aque/owateraqueous blephar/oeyelidblepharospasm conjunctiv/oconjunctivaconjunctival (to join together) Corne/ocorneacorneal.

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Presentation on theme: "Eye CHAPTER 12. Combining Forms for the Eye aque/owateraqueous blephar/oeyelidblepharospasm conjunctiv/oconjunctivaconjunctival (to join together) Corne/ocorneacorneal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eye CHAPTER 12

2 Combining Forms for the Eye aque/owateraqueous blephar/oeyelidblepharospasm conjunctiv/oconjunctivaconjunctival (to join together) Corne/ocorneacorneal Di/doublediplopia

3 Combining Forms for the Eye kerat/ocorneakeratoplasty keratitis ir/oirisiritis irid/o (colored circle)iridectomy cycl/ociliary bodycycloplegia (circle) *not to be confused with cryoretinopexy

4 Combining Forms for the Eye lacrim/otearlacrimal ocul/oeyeocular ophthalm/oophthalmology opt/ooptometry

5 Combining Forms for the Eye presby/oold agepresbyopia Presbyopia = loss of accommodation, the inability of the eye to focus on near objects

6 Combining Forms for the Eye retin/oretinaretinopathy scler/osclerascleritis (hard)

7 Eye Overview  Sclera & Cornea make up the outer part of eye that help to refract light.  Muscles of the iris, known as the pupil, regulate the amount of light  Ciliary body are muscles behind the pupil that control the focusing ability of the lens  This coordination projects a picture on the retina or layer of nerves made of rods and cones.  The optic disk in the retina transmits the image to the brain.

8 Eye Overview cont’d  Conjunctiva are mucous membranes lining the eyelids  Covered by the eyelid (blepharo)  Blepharoptosis = paralysis of eyelids  Blepharoplasty = surgical repair of eyelids  Blepharospasm = involuntary closing of eyelids  Aqueous humor watery liquid secreted by the ciliary body to nourish the cornea, iris, and lens.

9 Parts of the Eye  Retina  Color sensitive type cells  Dim light receptor cells  Lens  Common condition affecting lens health  Iris  Contracts and dilates; adjusts to brightness  Conjunctiva  Common childhood disease  Optic Nerve  Common condition affecting nerve health

10 Lacrimal Apparatus

11 Hyperopia and Myopia Farsighted “cant see up-close” Nearsighted “cant see far away”

12 Cataract

13 Terms to know….  Conjunctivitis = aka pink eye  Hyperopia = farsightedness  Myopia = nearsightedness  Astigmatism = defective curvature of the lens  Presbyopia = loss of accommodation (aka focus)  Dermatochalasis = baggy eyelid  Glaucoma = increased intraocular pressure  Cataract = clouding of the lens  Mydriatic solution = used to dilate pupils  Enucleation = harvesting of the eye  Keratiplasty = corneal transplant

14 Ear CHAPTER 13

15 Combining Forms for the Ear acous/ohearingacoustic audi/oaudiometry aer/oair/gasaerotitis aur/iearauricle ot/ootology *Otitis = inflammation of the ear, also distinguished by the outer, middle, or inner ear.

16 Combining Forms for the Ear  cerumin/owaxceruminosis cerum impaction tx: lavage  Salping/o eustachian tube/salpingoscope Uterine tube  tympan/oeardrumtympanic myring/omyringotomy

17 Ear Overview  Sense of hearing  Three divisions:  outer ear  middle ear  inner ear

18 Anatomy of the Ear

19 Outer Ear  pinna  projections that gather sound  external auditory meatus (canal)  external passage for sounds collected from the pinna to the tympanum  cerumen  waxy substance secreted by glands throughout the external canal

20 Middle Ear  eustachian tube (auditory tube)  provides a passageway to the throat allowing air to pass to and from outside the body  important to maintaining equal air pressure  tympanic membrane (TM)  eardrum — receives sound collected in the external auditory canal and amplifies it through the middle ear to the malleus (hammer), incus (anvil), and stapes (stirrup)  Otitismedia

21 Middle Ear  mastoid process  temporal bone projection behind the ear containing air cells that connect to the middle ear  oval window  membrane that covers the opening between the middle ear and inner ear (continued)

22 Normal Tympanic Membrane

23 Inner Ear  Receives sound vibrations passed from the oval window to the cochlea  cochlea  coiled tubular structure that contains the organ of Corti  perilymph  fluid that fills the bony labyrinth of the ear  endolymph  fluid within the cochlear duct of the inner ear

24 Inner Ear  organ of Corti  contains receptors that receive vibrations and generate nerve impulses for hearing  vestibule  middle part of the inner ear that contain the utricle and the saccule (continued)

25 Inner Ear  utricle  larger of two sacs within the vestibule in the inner ear  saccule  smaller of the two sacs within the vestibule  semicircular canals  three canals within the inner ear that contain specialized receptors that generate nerve impulses with body movement (continued)

26 Tuning Fork Testing

27 Terms to know…  Otalgia - earache  Otorrhagia- bleeding from the ear  Tinnitus – ringing or buzzing in the ear  Vertigo- dizziness  Myringitis – inflammation of the eardrum  Mastoiditis – inflammation of mucosal lining behind the ear  Myringotomy – surgical incision of the eardrum to relieve pressure and place a tube to prevent re- accumulation of fluid

28 Terms to know continued…  Deafness  Conductive hearing loss – blockage in the middle or outer ear.  Sensorineural hearing loss – damage to the hair in the cochlea or auditory nerve damage  Mixed hearing loss – conductive and sensorineural hearing loss  Presbyacusis – age related hearing loss

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