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Ecology, Distribution & Status of the Testudines of Córdoba, Colombia (Olga Victoria Castaño-Mora, et al.) Ecology, Distribution & Status of the Testudines.

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Presentation on theme: "Ecology, Distribution & Status of the Testudines of Córdoba, Colombia (Olga Victoria Castaño-Mora, et al.) Ecology, Distribution & Status of the Testudines."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecology, Distribution & Status of the Testudines of Córdoba, Colombia (Olga Victoria Castaño-Mora, et al.) Ecology, Distribution & Status of the Testudines of Córdoba, Colombia Olga Victoria Castaño-Mora, Gladys Cárdenas-Arévalo, Natalia Gallego-García Instituto de Ciencias Naturales (ICN) Corporación Autónoma Regional de los Valles del Sinú y del San Jorge (CVS)

2 Ecology, Distribution & Status of the Testudines of Córdoba, Colombia (Olga Victoria Castaño-Mora, et al.) Problem What testudines species are present in the region? How are they distributed? What habitat type is each species using? What are the main threats to each species and their relationship with human communities? What is the regional conservation status of each species?

3 Ecology, Distribution & Status of the Testudines of Córdoba, Colombia (Olga Victoria Castaño-Mora, et al.) Introduction Córdoba is one of the major regions in turtle overexploitation (turtles are captured for food and illegal trade) & a territory subjected to serious habitat devastation. Nowadays six of the nine turtle species are threatened (Castaño-Mora 2002), but no conservation plans have been established because of the lack of information. Environmental authority of the region (CVS) and ICN, propose this project whose main objectives were: to identify all species distribution gather information about their life history identify threats and relationships with human communities Determine regional status Córdoba is the region with more species of turtles (9 of the 28 taxons of the country) & it has two of the three endemic turtle species of Colombia (Medem 1968).

4 Ecology, Distribution & Status of the Testudines of Córdoba, Colombia (Olga Victoria Castaño-Mora, et al.) Methods NATURAL HISTORY: Data about habitat, reproductive ecology and diet was gathered by means of direct observation of all species, and also by means of workshops and informal chats with adults and children from local communities DISTRIBUTION: The existence of a species or a “record” was classified as confirmed, or as reliable, when not corroborated. All records were plotted in a map of Córdoba, to illustrate current distribution of each species. The extent of occurrence was calculated according to IUCN guidelines (2004). CONSERVATION STATUS: according to observations of current levels of turtle exploitation and habitat devastation, and local communities perception of species abundance, a regional conservation category was given to each species, according to UICN guidelines (2003), and compared with national (Castaño-Mora 2002) and global categories (IUCN 2004).

5 Ecology, Distribution & Status of the Testudines of Córdoba, Colombia (Olga Victoria Castaño-Mora, et al.) Results Geochelone carbonaria * Habitat: Dry and Rain forest * Distribution: 15845.1 Km2 * Main Threats: habitat destruction & manteinance in captivity. * Status: Critically endangered Batrachemys dahli * Habitat: Dry forest, streams, ponds * Distribution: 5374.4 Km2 * Main Threats: habitat destruction & small extent of occurrence * Status: Critically endangered Kinosternon scorpioides * Habitat: Swaps, ponds, streams * Distribution: 17561.2 Km2 * Main Threats: habitat destruction & capture for food & illegal trade * Status: Vulnerable Trachemys callirostris * Habitat: Swamps, marshes, river * Distribution: 14563.4 Km2 * Main Threats: habitat destruction & capture for food & illegal trade * Status: Endangered Rhinoclemmys annulata * Habitat: Rain forest, streams * Distribution: two localities * Main Threats: habitat destruction * Status: Data deficient Rhinoclemmys melanosterna * Habitat: marshes, swamps * Distribution: 14614.1 Km2 * Main Threats: habitat destruction & capture for food & illegal trade * Status: Vulnerable Podocnemis lewyana * Habitat: River, streams * Distribution: 8924.7 Km2 * Main Threats: habitat destruction & capture for food & illegal trade * Status: Critically endangered Kinosternon leucostomum * Habitat: streams inside forests * Distribution: 14142.4 Km2 * Main Threats: habitat destruction & capture for food & illegal trade * Status: Vulnerable

6 Ecology, Distribution & Status of the Testudines of Córdoba, Colombia (Olga Victoria Castaño-Mora, et al.) Conclusion & Discussion DISTRIBUTION All species have big extents of occurrence in the region but small areas of occupancy due to habitat fragmentation. CONSERVATION STATUS All species are threatened: 3 are critically endangered, 1 endangered, 3 vulnerable, and 1 with data deficiency. MAIN THREATS Habitat destruction, illegal trade, and manteinance in captivity. No sustainable use of turtles have been detected in the region. NATURAL HISTORY Species have a wide range of habitats like dry and humid forest, swamps, streams, marshes and rivers, which are currently subjected to serious devastation. Conservation plans including local communities that use these species as a food resource or as a source of income by illegal trade, must be urgently established. Especial concern must be taken with endemic species. - Environmental authorities must give a halt to habitat devastation, especially by landlords - Sustainable use of turtles and resources must be promoted in schools and local communities.

7 Ecology, Distribution & Status of the Testudines of Córdoba, Colombia (Olga Victoria Castaño-Mora, et al.) Acknowlegdements & References INSTITUTO DE CIENCIAS NATURALES: Orlando Rangel, Marta de Rocha, Mario Vargas, Orlando rivera, Juan Carvajal, Oscar Ruiz. CAR – VALLES DEL SINÚ Y SAN JORGE: Jaime García, Rafael Espinosa, Comunidad de Caño Viejo, Rubén Guevara, Oscar Cogollo. Castaño-Mora, O. V. (Ed). 2002. Libro rojo de reptiles de Colombia. Libros rojos de especies amenazadas de Colombia. Instituto de Ciencias Naturales- Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Ministerio del Medio Ambiente, Conservación Internacional-Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia. IUCN, 2004. 2004 IUCN red list of threatened species.. Medem, F. 1968. El desarrollo de la Herpetología en Colombia. Rev. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. 13(50):149-199. UICN, 2OO3. Directrices para emplear los criterios de la Lista Roja de la UICN a nivel regional: versión 3.0. Comisión de Supervivencia de Especies de la UICN, Gland, Suiza y Cambridge, Reino Unido. ii + 26 pp.

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