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Fitness. Learning objectives Understand the negative consequences of inactivity. Understand the positive physical, cognitive, psychological and emotional.

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Presentation on theme: "Fitness. Learning objectives Understand the negative consequences of inactivity. Understand the positive physical, cognitive, psychological and emotional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fitness

2 Learning objectives Understand the negative consequences of inactivity. Understand the positive physical, cognitive, psychological and emotional benefits of maintaining an active lifestyle. What is the difference between skill-related and health- related fitness? Explain the overload principle? Understand the recommendations for amount of exercise we should have per week. What are cardiorespiratory fitness and muscular fitness? Know how to calculate Maximum heart rate and target heart rate. Understand the importance of stretching and safety when exercising.

3 Inactivity 1 in 4 Americans report NO physical activity Americans average >30 hrs of TV per week Consequences of Inactivity

4 Physical activity Any activity that requires any movement Single biggest contributor to physical wellbeing.

5 Types of fitness Skill-related fitness Health-related fitness

6 Overload principle For muscles to get stronger, you must demand more from them 4 dimensions – Frequency – Intensity – Time – Type

7 How much exercise is enough? Moderate exercise – 30min/day for 5 days/wk = 150 min/wk Vigorous exercise – 25min/day for 3 days/wk = 75 minutes/wk

8 Components of fitness 1) Cardiorespiratory – To improve, you must overload! – Aerobic vs Anaerobic – Frequency – Intensity Calculate Target heart rate (THR) – THR = X% (MHR) » – THR = 0.6 (220-40) = 108 – THR = 0.8 (220-40) = 144 – Time – Type


10 Components of fitness 2) Muscular fitness – Muscular strength – Muscular endurance – Improving muscular fitness – overloading Frequency Intensity Time Type – Breathing Muscles need oxygen!

11 Components of fitness 3) Flexibility – Determinants of flexibility – Improving flexibility by stretching Static Passive Ballistic

12 Benefits of stretching and Flexibility Injury prevention Relief of muscle strain Relaxation Relief of muscle soreness Improved posture

13 Components of fitness 4) Body composition – Relative amounts of fat and fat-free mass of body – Recommended % body fat Women: 21 – 35% Men: 8 – 24%

14 Adding moderate activity to life Walk vs drive Stairs vs elevator Get up during commercials Walk while talking on phone 10,000 steps (300-400 calories) Exergaming

15 Safe and healthy exercise Start slowly – warm up Be careful with heat – Cramps caused by loss of electrolytes – Heat exhaustion – Heat stroke (body temp over 106)

16 Avoid injuries Soft tissue injuries – Trauma, tears, sprains Overuse – Overdoing repetitive or stressful activity Get proper instruction Use proper equipment (including shoes) Exercise with others (plus, it’s more fun!) – Online partners and competitions Avoid overtraining

17 If you do get injured…. RICE Rest Ice Compression Elevate

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