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Chapter 7 Child/Human Development Birth. Labor Cervix- the lower part of the uterus Contractions- rhythmic tightening and relaxing motions of the muscles.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 7 Child/Human Development Birth. Labor Cervix- the lower part of the uterus Contractions- rhythmic tightening and relaxing motions of the muscles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 7 Child/Human Development Birth

2 Labor Cervix- the lower part of the uterus Contractions- rhythmic tightening and relaxing motions of the muscles of the uterus Dilate- or widen, the cervix to about 4 inches (10 centimeters) in diameter. As labor continues contractions become stronger and last longer

3 False Labor “false labor”- women begin to feel strong contractions Doctors look for 3 signs to see if contractions are false labor: 1. They are not regular or rhythmic 2. They do not become increasingly stronger They end if the woman walks around

4 Stages of Labor The average length of labor for a woman having a first baby is between 6 and 18 hours. It may be 2-5 hours for a later child. Labor varies form woman to woman in both time and intensity. Some normal labors last 24 hours or more, others may last only 3 hours Did You Know? P. 219

5 1 st Stage of Labor Contractions dilate the cervix! Fetal monitor- records the contractions and the fetal heartbeat The first stage of labor lasts an average of 10 to 12 hours Contractions are very mild in this stage and may come every 20-25 minutes and last between 35- 45 seconds By the time this stage is over contractions are extremely powerful and come more frequently

6 2nd Stage of Labor Begins when the cervix is fully dilated The contractions continue, making the woman want to bear down with her abdominal muscles to move the baby down the birth canal. Contractions come every 3-5 minutes and last for more than one minute This stage ends when the baby has been pushed down the birth canal and through the vaginal opening into waiting hands!! This pushing stage lasts about 45 minutes for a woman having her first child

7 3rd Stage of Labor The placenta and other membranes come out through the birth canal. The nurse massages the uterus as it contracts and expels its contents. This stage takes about 10 minutes If an episiotomy was performed, the doctor or nurse repairs it with absorbent stitches

8 Types of Delivery VAGINAL-the baby is born head down, with the face toward the mother’s backbone. As the head comes down the birth canal, it causes the canal to expand so that the reset of the baby’s body can easily pass through it. Crowning- The emerging of the head Forceps- an instrument for reaching into the birth canal and pulling the baby out Breech delivery- a baby born with the feet or buttocks appearing first Types of Delivery

9 CESAREAN BIRTH- an operation to deliver the baby through an opening cut in the mother’s abdominal wall and the uterus. C-sections are usually performed if a woman is having multiple births, her pelvis is not wide enough, if the baby is breech, placenta previa, or if the baby is showing signs of distress Approx. 25% of births are cesareans Whether the mother remains awake depends on the type of anesthetic she receives Types of Delivery

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