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Maldives “the last paradise on the earth”. Heaven island – maldives.

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Presentation on theme: "Maldives “the last paradise on the earth”. Heaven island – maldives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maldives “the last paradise on the earth”

2 Heaven island – maldives

3 Do you agree? Tropical fish +99%cystal clear water +1%pure white beach =100%Maldives

4 Maldives general situation  Country name : The public of Maldives  Capital : Male  Subordinate continent : Asia  Official language :Dhivehi  Population : 394’999(2011 Y)  Major religion : Islam  Land area :

5 The Maldivian archipelago located 300 miles southwest of the southern tip of India and 450 miles west of Sri Lanka is a beautiful string of 1,1 90 low-lying coral islands scattered across the equator in the vast expanse of the Indian Ocean, giving a rare glimpse of what is aptly described as a tropical paradise.equator

6 These are just the three simple realities beckoning tourists from far and wide to these islands, sun, sea and sand which add up to being a heavenly getaway from the rest of the world and its worries. Resorts and hotels woo tourists with promises of, 'the last paradise on earth', and they will not disappoint. It is a major destination for scuba divers, who come for the wealth of marine life and the reefs as well as being popular with honeymooners and older couples seeking to rejuvenate their lives.getawayscuba

7 Tourism in the Maldives is carefully managed. The country's tourism master plan identifies both the underwater environment and 'the intrepid explorer factor' as major attractions. The lack of local resources makes it necessary to import virtually everything a visitor needs, from furniture to fresh vegetables. The strategy has been to develop a limited number of quality resorts, each on its own uninhabited island, free from traffic, crime and commercialism.master pexplorer

8 ☆ 1. beautiful scenery ★ 2.comfortable climate ☆ 3.delicious food ★ 4.local customs and practices

9 Beautiful scenery ◎ The seawater is hyaline as air ◎ air is clear as Seawater. ◎ The island appears simple, nature



12 Comfortable climate The year is divided into two monsoon periods. The north-east monsoon lasts from Dec to Mar, which are the drier months. The south-west monsoon lasts from Apr to Nov, and is wetter, with more storms and occasional strong winds. Daytime temperatures are about 28°all year. The humidity is slightly lower in the dry season but most days,there’s a cooling sea breeze.

13 ¤ This is an island country, abounds in many kinds of fish, crabs and lobsters.

14 The local customs and practices I. Most of the residents are devout Muslims, polite, honest and hospitable II. Five times daily prayers. III. On Friday, the Islam Sabbath is their weekly holiday, shops, schools and public places will be closed off on this day.


16 Because of global warming, sea levels are rising in two centimeters every year. Maldives is expected to disappear about 50 years back FOCUS

17 Undersea restaurant

18 Pooh couple They were in Maldives ! Do you like them?!



















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