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Behave Yourself! Animal behaviors and how you fit in M. Schultz.

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Presentation on theme: "Behave Yourself! Animal behaviors and how you fit in M. Schultz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Behave Yourself! Animal behaviors and how you fit in M. Schultz

2 Mimicry Monarch and viceroy butterflies

3 Mimicry Coral snake mimics

4 Mimicry Orchid praying mantis

5 Coloration/Camouflage Walking stick insects

6 Coloration/Camouflage Poison dart frog and black widow spider

7 Migration Geese

8 Hibernation Bears, marmots, frogs

9 Estivation African bullfrog and fringe toed lizard

10 Innate/Instinctive Behavior Suckling to nurse

11 Imprinting Ducklings follow their mothers

12 Learned Behavior What bears eat

13 Learned Behavior Nest building

14 Learned Behavior Humans learn fire is hot

15 Conditioning Training a dog

16 Habituation Dogs ignore all cars driving by until your car pulls up.

17 Trial and Error Learning to press a lever for food

18 Trial and Error Students who study get good grades

19 Territoriality Wolves will mark their territory

20 Competition Rams fighting for mates Squirrels fighting for territory

21 Positive Chemotaxis Male cockroach pheromones attract females

22 Negative Chemotaxis The smell of a skunk repels animals

23 Positive Phototaxis Moths to a light

24 Negative Phototaxis Moles live underground

25 Circadian Rhythms Human alertness during the day

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