IMPACT IN LEARNING: MATHS KEY STAGE 1. Schools deemed to be ‘good’ = 5% on average Parents who are involved and informed = 30% on average.

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2 Schools deemed to be ‘good’ = 5% on average Parents who are involved and informed = 30% on average

3 69% of parents do not help children with their homework because Everything has changed since they were at school at they are not confident in the new methods. BBC News Report 2006 82% of parents feel unable to help pupils with their homework. 55% of pupils claimed it was worse when parents tried to help. BBC NEWS REPORT 2010

4 “My dad thinks that the way he does maths is easier and better than my ways but he doesn’t understand my ways and his way confuses me.” Pupil – Catford High School The Problem with maths……

5 Year One Count to and across 100 forwards and backwards from any given number. Count read and write numbers to 100. Count in multiples of 2s, 5s and 10s. Identify one more, one less than a given number. Identify and represent numbers using objects and pictures (incl. number line). Recognise the place value of each digit (ones and tens). Recognise and use number bonds to 20. Add and subtract one digit and 2 digit numbers to 20, including zero. Read write and interpret mathematical statements – including (+) (-) (=). Solve one step problems in addition and subtraction.

6 Can be used for addition, subtraction multiplication and division problems. The 100 Square


8 Using your 100 square: Count in 2s to 20 Count in 5s to 50 Count in 10s to 100

9 Say the number that is: One more than 22 One less than 12 One more than 25 One less than 30

10 Number bonds to 20 20 and 0 makes 20. 20 + 0 = 20

11 5, 10, 15….. 16, 17, 18, 19 and 1 makes 20. 19 + 1 = 20

12 0123456789 1011121314151617181920 012345678 9 1011 12 13 1415161718 19 20




16 Use of real objects to represent tens and ones. No carrying. Addition 13 + 4 = Addition

17 Now try these: 12 + 6 = 15 + 2 = 10 + 14 = 20 + 0 =

18 Use of real objects to represent tens and ones. No carrying. 13 - 3 = Subtraction

19 Now try these: 17 - 6 = 15 - 2 = 16 - 14 = 13 - 0 =


21 What is 3 more than 10? Answer 13 If you got it right move on 3 spaces

22 Tell your opponent the names of 3 of your friends.

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