Sourcing and Retaining Club Members Peter Farrell AGM -10 th April 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Sourcing and Retaining Club Members Peter Farrell AGM -10 th April 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sourcing and Retaining Club Members Peter Farrell AGM -10 th April 2014

2 That was then: This is now:

3 Once a member… There was time, when a person joined the tennis club, they joined for life…

4 The new reality… All expenses scrutinized regularly, And eliminated if not necessary.

5 Creative Marketing

6 Promote the health benefits of tennis: “Tennis increases lung function/lung flexibility” SOURCE: Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness “Higher levels of physical activity reduces the risk of cancer” SOURCE: U.S. Surgeon Generals Report 2004 “In tennis players there is one third to a half less cardiovascular disease than in non tennis players” SOURCE: American Journal of Medicine “Tennis twice a week decreases glucose (sugar) levels in the blood” SOURCE: ITF Medical Commission “Average female in an hour playing singles burns 420 calories Average male in an hour playing singles burns 600 calories”. SOURCE: Cleveland Clinic Heart Centre

7 Promote tennis as a “family sport” “Most social activities are designed either for adults or children, not for both. Tennis however provides the opportunity for the entire family to participate in an activity together… very important that tennis organizations `sell` the togetherness and enjoyment that the game can provide the whole family”. FRENCH TENNIS FEDERATION

8 Research… WHAT FACTORS WOULD ENCOURAGE YOU TO PLAY TENNIS? (SOURCE: ITF Worldwide Survey) 1. Combine tennis with a good physical workout 2. Availability of lessons to improve skills 3. Regularly scheduled matches QUESTION: Do your programmes satisfy these requirements?

9 Research… The ten most important reasons I play my best sport: SOURCE: Drs. Ewing and Seefeldt (sample of 3,900 primary school children) 1. To have fun 2. To improve my skills 3. To stay in shape 4. To do something I am good at 5. For the excitement of competition 6. To get exercise 7. To play as part of a team 8. For the challenge of competition 9. To learn new skills 10. To win QUESTION: Do your programmes satisfy these requirements?

10 Research… WHAT PREVENTS ADULTS FROM PLAYING TENNIS? SOURCE: Tennis Australia 1. Time constraints 2. Need a partner 3. The game is too difficult QUESTION: Do your programmes counter these issues?

11 NEW MEMBERS REQUIRE SPECIAL TREATMENT! “It can be five times more expensive in terms of time and money to attract a new player than to retain an existing one”. LTA – (Great Britain) NEW MEMBERS: 1. Meet and greet session 2. Some free coaching – voucher on joining? 3.`Mentor` to ease first few weeks - arrange games 4. Exchange phone numbers – don’t leave before arranging a game! 5. New juniors - meet with parents

12 Try this exercise? You approach a café you have not been in before… From the time you approach the building to the time you sit down with your coffee, what are the things that happen or you see/hear/smell that lead you to decide this is a `good` or `bad` spot? NOW - bring the same level of analysis to your tennis club…

13 Sourcing New Members 1: NATIONAL TENNIS DAY 2014: Saturday 5 th July Info to follow from Development Officers..

14 Sourcing New Members 2: S.T.E.P. Schools Tennis Expert Programme

15 FURTHER INFO: South Leinster Clubs: Peter Farrell 086 822 8235 North Leinster Clubs: Brendan Moran 086 835 1475

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