CANADA'S MOST “NOTORIOUS” CRIMINALS. “NOTORIOUS” What does this term mean? Duran Duran: Notorious.

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2 “NOTORIOUS” What does this term mean? Duran Duran: Notorious

3 Notorious Explained ● Means widely and unfavourable known: ● Other words: infamous, egregious, disreputale ● Also means publically known for a general trait, ● Other words could mean celebrated, renowned, conspicuous

4 Does “notorious” mean the worst of the worst? How about these guys or cases?

5 Steven Truscott: Canada's Youngest To Receive Capital Punishment ● Was 14 years of age when he was arrested for murder of 12 yr old Lynn Harper ● Case filled with inconsistencies/poor witness ● Sentenced to hang- ended up serving 10 years ● Fought for innocence for year, even though he served his time + changed his name ● Conviction overturned 2007

6 Robert Latimer: A Merciful End, or Murder? ● Had a severely disabled daughter (Tracy) who had cerebal palsy, was 12 yrs old, weighed 40lbs, mentally was three months old ● Put her in his truck, locked her in, and rigged it so carbon monoxide leaked in ● Tracy died- in a controversial case, he was sentenced 25 years for 2 nd degree murder with chance for parole after 10 ● Received full parole Dec. 2010

7 Air India Bombing: Justice Not Found? ● Canada's worst act of terrorism ● Two suitcases filled with explosives checked in at airport in Tokyo ● One exploded early, killing two baggage handlers ● Other exploded during flight, killing 329 people, 280 Canadians ● In 2005 two men were acquitted on 8 charges ● $130M spent- most expensive trial in Can. History

8 Paul Bernardo: The Monster ● Originally from Scarborough, abducted Burlington's Leslie Mahaffey in 1991, tortured, raped +killed her ● Abducted Kristin French in 1992- tortured, raped, confined her for 2wks before killing her ● Sentenced to life in prison for 1 st degree murder, and is now a dangerous offender ● Crimes were videotaped ● Also was found to be Scarborough Rapist- raped a number of women in 1987

9 Karla Homolka: The Monsters Co- Conspirator ● Was originally seen as less culpable-as she was beaten by Bernardo ● Signed “deal with the devil”- a plea that would have her serve 10 yrs in exchange for testimony vs Bernardo ● Video evidence proved she was equally as complicit ● Released July 5 2005 ● Now lives in Guadaloupe, married, 3 children

10 Russell Williams: The Colonel ● Highly decorated in the military ● Over 80 “fetish break ins”- stole lingerie, other items ● Raped and murdered two women- Jessical Lloyd and Marie-France Comeau ● Pled guilty before trial- now serving life ● Also named in a number of civil suits, similar to the Jane Doe case

11 Marc Lepine: Canada's Worst Mass Killer ● December 6 1989- walked into Ecole Polytechnique's engineering building ● Began targeting all the women he could- 14 victims in total ● Left a note about feminism ● He turned the gun on himself ● Many “Take Back The Night” Campaigns spurred from this

12 Clifford Olsen: Canada's Worst Child Serial Killer ● Served 11 straight life sentences for killing 8 girls and 3 boys ● Called the “Beast of B.C.” ● Controversy erupted when he got $100K in response for leading police to victims bodies ● Olsen told police he had over 100 victims ● Died in prison, late 2011

13 Robert Pickton- The Vancouver Pig Farmer ● Prowled Vancouver's East Side ● Offered prostitutes money and drugs then took them to his farm ● Was convicted of 6 murders, at least 20 cases not tried ● RCMP under fire for botching investigation ● Did not search Pickton's farm until 2002, when they knew about him in 199 ● Said 14 more killed during that time

14 Alan Legere: The Monster of the Mirimachi ● Killed 5 people total, including two after a daring escape from prison in Spring '89 ● Hid screwdriver in body cavity, overpowered two guards ● Apprehended Nov '89

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