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“Teacher Narratives in the 21st Century: Nuisance, Needs, and the Neverland of No” Anthony K. Central Dauphin School

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Presentation on theme: "“Teacher Narratives in the 21st Century: Nuisance, Needs, and the Neverland of No” Anthony K. Central Dauphin School"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Teacher Narratives in the 21st Century: Nuisance, Needs, and the Neverland of No” Anthony K. Central Dauphin School

2 NCTE Annual Convention: Dream. Connect. Ignite! Las Vegas, NV November 2012

3 Nuisance, Needs, & the Neverland of ‘No’ Is the need to tell stories a nuisance to be tolerated or a need to be accommodated? In what ways are today’s teachers living in a Neverland of ‘No’?

4 Stories, Critiques, & “Talk” Historical role of stories for social change, transformation Teachers as storytellers Sir Ken Robinson, TED Talks Sir Ken Robinson Can you say that?

5 Strength in Stories Facing Cancer Together Danielle Ofri Dr. Robert Brooks “As teachers, we gather strength by sharing our stories” (Newkirk & Kent, 2007). How do today’s teachers tell stories?

6 Stories & Living the Literate Life Teachers as writers Living the literate life publicly Personalizing practices

7 Jungian Fictions & Dominant Narratives Beliefs that drive our actions, behaviors What are the fictions stakeholders have about the value of teacher narratives? Are certain teacher narratives preferred while others prejudiced?

8 Privileged Archetypes The good teacher The inspirational teacher The dedicated teacher The generous teacher The teacher-coach The teacher-mentor

9 Dominant Narratives Books, blogs, professional & popular trade journals, conference presentations, forum posts, e-newsletters, welcome/introductory letters to parents/guardians & students ‘Shop talk,’ conversations with spouses, partners, family, friends, community members

10 Dominant & Popular Erin Gruwell, The Freedom Writers Diary Erin Gruwell, Tony Danza, I Want to Apologize to Every Teacher I Ever Had... Tony Danza, Jaime Escalante, Stand & Deliver Jaime Escalante, Rafe Esquith, Teach Like Your Hair’s On Fire Rafe Esquith, Frank McCourt, Teacher Man Frank McCourt,

11 What About the ‘No’ Narratives? “Five Reasons to Teach ESL in Korea” (from Youtube)? “Five Reasons to Teach ESL in Korea” What should teachers restrict from their narratives? Should there be different standards for online narratives and more established print narratives?

12 Storytelling in Social Media Is social media, by definition, storytelling? What does storytelling look like in the 21 st century?

13 In the Numbers 2/3 of internet users access social networking or blog sites 10% of all time spent online is spent on such sites

14 Policies, Perceptions, & Principles Central Dauphin School District Public or stakeholder perceptions of teachers What principles should guide policy about teacher narratives in 21 st century?

15 Leaving Neverland Neverland, Lake Wobegone, and the persistence of the model of decay BYOD, teacher narratives, and the necessary risks Living the literate life

16 References Bochner, Arthur P. (2001). Narrative’s virtues. Qualitative Inquiry, 7, 131-157. doi: 10.1177/107780040100700201. Cremin, Teresa. (2010). Exploring teacher-writer identities in the classroom: Conceptualising the struggle. English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 9(3), 8-25. Cremin, Teresa. (2006). Creativity, uncertainty and discomfort: Teachers as writers. Cambridge Journal of Education, 36(3), 415-433. doi: 10.1080/03057640600866023. Daya, Shari & Lau, Lisa. (2007). Power and narrative. Narrative Inquiry 17(1), 1-11. Fulmer, Emily H. (2010). Privacy expectations and protections for teachers in the internet age. Duke Law & Technology Review, 014. Green, Melanie C. (2006). Narratives and cancer communication. Journal of Communication 56, S163-S183. doi: 10.1111/j.1460-2466.2006.00288.x Kaufman, Douglas K. (2009). A teacher educator writes and shares student perceptions of a publicly literate life. Journal of Teacher Education, 60(3), 338-350. doi: 10.1177/0022487109336544. Newkirk, Thomas & Kent, Richard, eds. (2007). Teaching the Neglected “R”: Rethinking Writing Instruction in Secondary Classrooms. Portsmouth: Heinemann.

17 Presenter Information Anthony K. Sedun Central Dauphin School District  Linglestown Middle School  7 th Grade English Language Arts Writer. Learner. Teacher. 717.490.1283

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