WILTSHIRE CRICKET LIMITED Women and Girls Development Meeting Beversbrook Sport Ground March 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "WILTSHIRE CRICKET LIMITED Women and Girls Development Meeting Beversbrook Sport Ground March 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 WILTSHIRE CRICKET LIMITED Women and Girls Development Meeting Beversbrook Sport Ground March 2016

2 Introductions Who am I? What is my role with Wiltshire Cricket? How much time am I allocated to deal with Women and Girl’s Cricket? How does this balance work in reality?

3 Introductions Who are you? Which club(s) are you representing? Are you already running girls only coaching? If you are, how long have you been running your programmes?

4 Wiltshire Cricket’s Young Player Pathway Formalised document created in Autumn 2015 Based around Wiltshire Cricket’s Outcomes Framework to “Create a sustainable future for Cricket” - Creating a fair and safe environment where everyone receives a positive experience - Attracting people to participate in Cricket as a sport of choice - Maintaining the importance of cricket in the community Consideration of how we work with our partners - WASP, Wiltshire Council, Wiltshire Cricket Leagues Considers player retention plans and survey work

5 Wiltshire Cricket’s Young Player Pathway Consider the Landscape of Youth Cricket - Strengths and weaknesses of club programmes - Formal leagues - Coach education programmes Focused on the Landscape of Schools Cricket - Chance to Shine - School competitions - Limited access to children through barriers - Lack of teacher engagement – Secondary Schools - Potential informal secondary school teacher training Outcomes on Increased participation – clubs and schools – Opportunities and competition

6 Agenda Performance Programmes - Women’s Super League - Update on Wiltshire Winter Programmes - Update on Wiltshire Summer Match Play Programmes Women and Girl’s Hard Ball Opportunities - Audit on current position - What is in place? - Do we need more formal programmes or more informal? Women and Girl’s Soft Ball Competitions - Is hard ball the only option Girls specific competition – Hard Ball and Soft Ball - What is available to clubs and schools?

7 Women's Cricket Super League History of the Development - How did Wiltshire get involved? What does the Southern Counties Consortium look like in 2016? - What are the benefits to Wiltshire Cricket? - How will it help develop our players? - Will Wiltshire players get to play? Longer term plans What happens next?

8 Wiltshire County Cricket – Winter Programme 2016 What are we running? How did we select our players? - Under 11s - Under 13s - Under 15s & 17s - Women’s Senior Training Programmes Winter Coach Education - Certificate in Coaching Children’s Cricket - Coach Support Worker Courses - Cricket Activator Courses

9 Wiltshire County Cricket – Summer Programme 2016 Match Play Programmes - Under 11s - Under 13s - Under 15s - Under 17s - Women’s 1 st XI Additional Match Play Opportunities - Under 11s Extended Programme - Women’s Super 4s Programme

10 Club Cricket – Hard Ball Opportunities Current position - Hard Ball Match Play - Adults - Girls Issues – Venues, player availability, length of games, number of players on each side County / Club Sunday Programme Formalised Competition Informal Competition Audit on current position

11 Club Cricket – Soft Ball Opportunities Current position - ECB Programmes - Wiltshire Cricket Programmes Is hardball the only option for your members? Soft Ball Festivals Individuals / Team Participations Sizes of teams, equipment used Feedback from the meeting

12 Schools Cricket – Match Play Opportunities Primary Schools - ECB Kwik Cricket - Chance to Shine Participation Festivals - Chance to Shine Indoor Festivals Secondary Schools - Lady Taverners Indoor Soft Ball Competitions - Chance to Compete Outdoor Soft Ball Competitions No hard ball schools competitions for girls - however all boys competitions are “mixed”

13 Women and Girls – Meeting Outcomes Any questions about anything that hasn’t been covered? Any action points to be taken forward from the meeting? How do we want to progress from this point? How can Wiltshire Cricket help to make these progressions?

14 Any other business? Any questions? Ali Goddard – Wiltshire Cricket ali.goddard@wiltshirecricket.co.uk 07786 361222 ali.goddard@wiltshirecricket.co.uk

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