8 7 6 5 4 3 had given Larisa said that the new teacher had given all the students an A last semester. could eat Really! Viktor told me that.

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11 had given Larisa said that the new teacher had given all the students an A last semester. could eat Really! Viktor told me that students could eat in his class. No, what is it? REPORTED SPEECH Have you heard the latest gossip about the new teacher? was Wow! Yeah, I heard he was an easy teacher. didn’t give Maria said that the new teacher didn’t give any homework.

12 DIRECT SPEECH In direct speech we use the speaker’s own words. “In text we put speech marks around the words spoken” “Speech marks are also called inverted commas”

13 INDIRECT SPEECH In indirect speech, we do not use the exact words of the speaker. Instead we report what was said. We sometimes need to change pronouns and verb tenses. We don’t use speech marks. “I am going home.” Helen said she was going home.

14 USING DIRECT SPEECH When using direct speech in your writing you need to use the correct punctuation. The exact words spoken must be enclosed in speech marks. The first word of the speech must begin with a capital letter. The words in the speech marks must be separated from the rest of the sentence by a comma. You must use a new line when a new speaker begins to speak.

15 USING INDIRECT SPEECH Using speech in fiction and non-fiction writing adds variety. However, writing out long pieces of direct speech can make your writing confusing. It also slows down the action. Reported speech can summarise what the speaker has said so that the action moves along more quickly. Reported speech is useful when you want a contrast between what a character says and what he or she is thinking.


17 DIRECT SPEECH INDIRECT SPEECH now then today that day tomorrowthe next day the day after the following day a day later next the … after the following …

18 DIRECT SPEECHINDIRECT SPEECH last …the … before the previous … the preceding … … ago… before … earlier yesterdaythe day before the previous day the preceeding day herethere thisthat thesethose

19 TENSES THE CHANGE IN THE TENSE OF A PASSAGE IS SUBSEQUENT TO THE SPEECH-RELATED CHANGES. Direct SpeechReported Speech Simple Present Present Continuous Simple Past Tense Present Perfect  Simple Past  Past Continuous  Past Perfect

20 EXAMPLES is “The teacher is strict.” was She said the teacher was strict. is giving “The teacher is giving everyone an A.” was giving He said the teacher was giving everyone an A.

21 EXAMPLES put “Somebody put the final exam on the Internet.” had put She said somebody had put the final exam on the Internet. has graded “The teacher has graded our grammar tests.” had graded Joe said the teacher had graded our grammar tests.

22 EXERCISE 1 is 1. “The library is closed.” He said… have registered 2. “We have registered for classes.” They said… got 3. “She got an A on the test.” You said… CHANGE DIRECT SPEECH INTO INDIRECT SPEECH… is helpingShe said… “My friend is helping me study.” She said… Example: was helping She said her friend was helping her study. was closed He said the library was closed. had registered They said they had registered for classes. had gotten You said she had gotten an A on the test.

23 TENSES The Modal Auxiliary (helping) Verbs are changed into their past forms. Direct SpeechReported Speech will can may must  would  could  might  had to

24 EXAMPLES will be “The test will be difficult.” would be He said the test would be difficult. could use She said we could use our notes on the test. can use “You can use your notes on the test.”

25 EXAMPLES had to study She said we had to study hard for the final exam. must study “You must study hard for the final exam.” may have “We may have a substitute teacher.” might have She said we might have a substitute teacher.

26 EXERCISE 2 ’ll help 1. “We’ll help you with your homework.” They said… must finish 2. “Anna must finish her paper.” He said… may take 3. “She may take a different class.” You said… CHANGE DIRECT SPEECH INTO INDIRECT SPEECH… can relax “You can relax about the exam.” She said… Example: could relax She said I could relax about the exam. would help They said they would help me with my homework. had to finish He said Anna had to finish her paper. might take You said she might take a different class.

27 TENSES THE FOLLOWING MODALS DO NOT CHANGE DEPENDING ON THE SPEECH-RELATED CHANGES : Should, Could, might, and ought to. shouldn’t tell “You shouldn’t tell this secret to anyone.” shouldn’t tell She said I shouldn’t tell this secret to anyone. ought to tell “You ought to tell this to a friend.” !! ought to tell He said I ought to tell this to a friend.

28 could have gotten “I could have gotten help from a tutor.” could have gotten He said he could have gotten help from a tutor. had studied, would have gotten He said if he had studied, he would have gotten an A. had chosen “I thought I had chosen the easy teacher.” had studied,would have gotten “If I had studied, I would have gotten an A.” had chosen He said he thought he had chosen the easy teacher. TENSES

29 EXERCISE 3 knew,would tell 1. “If I knew, I would tell you.” She said… might have known 2. “I might have known the test was difficult.” He said… had had 3. “She had had that teacher before.” We said… CHANGE DIRECT SPECCH INTO INDIRECT SPEECH… ought to study “We ought to study some more.” He said… Example: ought to study He said we ought to study some more. knew,would tell She said if she knew, she would tell me. might have known He said he might have known the test was difficult. had had We said she had had that teacher before.

30 Keep practicing!!! And please... ask if you need assistance! Congratulations! NOWBEFORE Do you understand reported speech better NOW than you did BEFORE?


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