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 There is a wide choice of drinks (beverages) in the wine list of every restaurant or bar. Guests can order a cap of tea, coffee black or white, hot.

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Presentation on theme: " There is a wide choice of drinks (beverages) in the wine list of every restaurant or bar. Guests can order a cap of tea, coffee black or white, hot."— Presentation transcript:


2  There is a wide choice of drinks (beverages) in the wine list of every restaurant or bar. Guests can order a cap of tea, coffee black or white, hot chocolate. They can also order juice, coke, mineral water-still or fizzy. There is a wide choice of strong alcohol drinks: rum, vodka, whisky, brandy.

3 Soft drinks:  cocktail – коктейль  cocoa – какао  black coffee – чёрный кофе  white coffee – кофе с молоком  juice – сок  squash – фруктовый напиток  black tea – чёрный чай  green tea – зелёный чай  mineral water – минеральная вода

4  Brandy  Cognac  Gin  Liquer  Rum  Vodka  Whisky

5 Grape wines  Madeira  Port  Sherry  Vermouth Sweet dessert wines  Champagne  Dry\Semi\Sweet  Sparking wines  Muskat Table dry wines  Dry red wine  Dry white win

6 Waiter: Good evening, madam. Do you have a reservation? Guest: No, I don’t, I’d like a table for one, please. W: Smoking or non-smoking? G: Non-smoking, please and hot too close to the band if possible. W: This way, madam. I’ll show you the table. Here is the wine list and the menu. What can I get you? G: Could I have a glass of martini and a fruit salad? W: Sure. Anything else? G: No, thanks.

7 1. You/to/are/ready/order? 2. Put/I/will/in/ice/whisky/your? 3. Would/what/like/you/drink/to? 4. What/you/like/would/starter/as/a? 5. You/like/would/sparkling/a/wine? 6. Table/show/will/you/I/your/to?

8 Alcohol drinks. Alcohol is perhaps ___ most widely used drug in our society. Alcohol ___ not have to be digested. It a affect a person very ___. It slows the brain and affects ___. Body movements become ___ and muscle coordination is ___. The widespread use of ___ caused special problems not only ___ people who use it. About half of all the people killed in ___ accidents die because someone was driving after ___ too much. Does, alcohol, traffic, quiekly, the, for, attention, drinking, slower, poor

9 1. The teapot must be warmed. 2. The water must be boiling properly. 3. The right quantity of tea – “one spoon for each person and one for the pot” – must be used. 4. Tea must be brewed for 3 minutes. 5. Enjoy your tea!

10 Kvas is a beverage made from rye bread and water fermented by yest. There is a lot of sorts of kvas: mushroom kvas, kvas with mint, beetroot, kvas with horseradish. Zbiten Zbiten is an old Russian beverage made from kvas, cognac or vodka, honey, tea and spices.

11 Milk shakes. Happy milk Ingredients: Glass of cold milk Orange juice 2 table spoons of sugar Directions: 1. Pour all ingredients into the blender 2. Bland few seconds 3. Decorate with strawberries.

12 1 glass of cold milk 2 tablespoons of grenadine 1 tablespoon of lemon juice 1 tablespoon of sugar Directions: 1. Pour ingredients into the blender 2. Blend a few seconds 3. Pour into a big glass

13  Add – добавлять  Bland – мешать  Coat (with) – покрывать, глазировать  Cool – охлаждать  Crumble – крошить  Dust – посыпать ( пудрой )  Garnish – украшать  Mash – мять  Peel – очищать от кожуры  Pit – удалять косточки  Sift – фильтровать  Whip - взбивать

14 Thank you for attention! Teacher: Komarova Natalya Ivanovna

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