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Shrubland Biome Ms. Graham 6 th Grade Science. Shrubland Temperature  Hot and dry in summer  Cool and moist in winter Precipitation  200 to 1,000 mm.

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Presentation on theme: "Shrubland Biome Ms. Graham 6 th Grade Science. Shrubland Temperature  Hot and dry in summer  Cool and moist in winter Precipitation  200 to 1,000 mm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shrubland Biome Ms. Graham 6 th Grade Science

2 Shrubland Temperature  Hot and dry in summer  Cool and moist in winter Precipitation  200 to 1,000 mm of rain per year Vegetation  Aromatic herbs (sage,rosemary,thyme,oregano)  Shrubs, acacia, chamise, and grasses

3 Shrubland Location  West costal regions between 30 and 40 degree North and South latitude  Shrublands include chaparral, woodland and savanna  Plants have adapted to fire caused by the frequent lightning that occurs in the hot, dry summers

4 Shrubland  Some areas where shrubland are found are California, Chile, Mexico, areas surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, and southwest parts of Africa and Australia  These regions are usually found surrounding deserts and grasslands.

5 shrubland Usually gets more rain than deserts and grasslands but less than forested areas Rain is unpredictable from month to month

6 Shrubland Very noticeable dry and wet seasons Made up of shrubs or short trees Not enough rain to support tall trees Thrive on steep, rocky slopes

7 Shrubland Usually fairly open so grasses and other short plants grow between shrubs Plants have adapted to drought-like conditions

8 Shrubland Small needle-like leaves help conserve water. Some have waxy coatings and leaves that reflect the sunlight. Some develop fire-resistant adaptations to survive frequent fires that occur in dry season.

9 Animal Silver-Horned Oryx Lesser Kudu

10 Animal Topi (Tsessebe) a medium-sized species of antelope Topi eat grass and only grass. If they have access to fresh green grasses, Topi can go without water for long stretches of time, taking to the shade of the trees during the hot daytime hours. Topi are considered one of the most social mammal species of the Serengeti.

11 Animal Chousingha – Four-horned antelope Considered at high risk for extinction A group is a herd or a cluster

12 Animal Walia Ibex – Critically endangered – Species of wild goat found only in mountains of Northern Ethopia – Only known predator of the adult Walia is the hyena

13 Animal Nyala The focus of a habitat specific conservation program The cessation of the program would result in the Nyala being placed on the threatened list within 5 years

14 Animal Goral— so rare that it is listed as a nearly threatened species by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature Gorals don’t make easy targets for human hunters. They can race up sheer rock-strewn slopes as easily as a cow walks across a meadow. Gorals coloration of a muted grey-brown helps them blend in with their surroundings. Unless they move, gorals are particularly hard to spot. Gorals can easily exist up to 9800 feet (3000 meters) above sea level. The oxygen is too thin for most people except the native peoples of the Himalayas.

15 Plants Curara – (Acacia tetragonophylla) moderately palatable and a valued protein source in most habitats. All classes of stock use the foliage. Silver-green curara plants in hill situations and on skelet

16 Plants Bardie bush – (Acacia victoriae) readily browsed in dry periods and the flowers and pods are sometimes preferentially grazed. Young plants may be very heavily grazed when stock numbers are high

17 Plants Sage – (Cratystylis subspinescens) not as palatable as the saltbushes it grows with, but where stock waters are saline, sage is preferred over saltbush.

18 Plants Frankenias (Frankenia spp.) Frankenias are only eaten by livestock when the drinking water has low amounts of salt

19 Plants Sago Maireana pyramidata) grazed, though it is not a highly preferred forage plant when pasture is in good to fair condition it is a valuable component of the pasture and withstands heavy grazing.

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