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Air Quality and Health Chapter 25, Lesson 2 Pruitt, Allegrante, Prothrow-Stith, Health, Pearson, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Air Quality and Health Chapter 25, Lesson 2 Pruitt, Allegrante, Prothrow-Stith, Health, Pearson, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Air Quality and Health Chapter 25, Lesson 2 Pruitt, Allegrante, Prothrow-Stith, Health, Pearson, 2014

2 Write: Make a list of indoor conditions that might affect indoor air quality. Then, write back with your response and advice. Dear Advice Line, My allergies always seem to be worse when I am indoors rather than outdoors. I thought flowers and other things found outdoors caused allergies. Is something wrong with me?

3 Air Pollution  20% of air we breathe is oxygen  Other 80% is nitrogen with small amount of other naturally occurring gases  There are also harmful gases and particles in air we breathe

4 Air Quality Index

5 Pollution  Presence or release of substances (pollutants) in environment in quantities harmful to living things  Can damage respiratory systems, enter the bloodstream, harm other part of body, and reduce protection from sun’s radiation

6  One of biggest sources of air pollution is burning of fossil fuels (energy-rich substances mined from deep in the Earth – coal, oil, and natural gas)

7  Harmful gases released when liquids like gasoline or paint thinner evaporate in air; gas released from natural sources – volcanoes

8 Smog  Brown haze forms when air pollutants react in presence of sunlight  When there is little or no wind, pollutants form layer over an area

9 Ozone Layer  Gas ozone is a pollutant when near ground  Naturally high in atmosphere  Plays a protective role – absorbs most of harmful ultraviolet rays from sun

10 Ultraviolet Light  Harmful to all living things  Can cause skin cancer and cataracts  Damage immune system

11 Indoor Air Pollution  Most severe in homes and other buildings sealed against air leaks  Asbestos – fibrous mineral used in fireproofing and other building materials  Radon – radioactive gas that leaks from rocks in ground through the foundation

12 Protecting Air Quality  Government regulations – Clean Air Act of 1970; additions since  Alternative fuels – wind and solar power  Car exhaust regulations  Tax breaks for hybrid car owners

13 What Can You Do?  Ride a bike or use public transportation  Avoid unnecessary trips  Well-maintained vehicle  Turn off lights and appliances when not in use

14  Clean cooling fans and coils in appliances  Set thermostat lower in winter and wear layers  Set AC higher  Be sure fuel-burning appliances well ventilated and working properly

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