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April 22, 2012 How do rivers affect a civilization?

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Presentation on theme: "April 22, 2012 How do rivers affect a civilization?"— Presentation transcript:

1 April 22, 2012 How do rivers affect a civilization?

2  The direction in which invaders would come from would be…  NW from the Khyber Pass or the Bolan Pass.

3  Large landmass that juts “sticks” out from the continent  Separate continent that joined Asia  Formed Himalaya Mountains

4  Strong winds  Winter = Oct. to May, from NE (dry air)  Summer = Mid June to Sept., from Ocean (carries rain)  Depend on summer monsoons (water)






10  Oceans/Seas (limit contact from E & W)  Hindu Kush (passes); highway for invaders  Himalayan mts. (can’t pass)

11 April 19, 2012 If you were to invade ancient India, how would you get there and WHY? BE SPECIFIC, use correct names

12  India is very dependent on the ___________________, which bring life- giving water  If the monsoons come to early or be too heavy they can cause ____________  If they come to late they can cause _____________.  When India collided with Asia, _____________ were formed.

13  India is called a _______________, because it juts, or sticks out, from a continent.

14 CUESNOTES Mohenjo-Daro City Planners Life in MD Mysteries Aryans Caste system

15  2500 BC to 1500 BC  Rich soil (Indus River)  Wheat/grains surplus = civilization



18  Built on high ground (flooding)  Streets (squares)  Homes/shops  Citadel (fortress); high brick walls w/ public buildings  Huge bath w/dressing rooms  Store house for grains  Clay pipes (waste)  Canals (flooding)

19  Activity  Merchants/shoppers- busy!  Traders from Mesopotamia  Games, music


21  Language  Government  Religion  Where did they go?  Fertile Soil turns to desert?  Earthquakes?  Invaders from the North?



24  Migrated (from central Asia)  “noble” or “high born”  weapons  Bows & arrows, axes, chariots (used iron)

25  Tools---to Use iron  Cleared land----rain forests, built farms & cities

26  Vedas---religious books “knowledge”  Earliest---were herders & warriors, no cities  Brahmins---priests, performed religious services  Society---3 classes, later 4  Priests (religion)  Warriors (fought)  Ordinary people (worked)  Conquered people (farmers, laborers, servants)  Caste System---stay in system of your parents

27  500 BC  Strict division of classes  Separate duties and jobs  NO MOVEMENT! NO CHOICE!

28  What evidence is there that Mohenjo-Daro was a “planned city”

29 ex.cfm?guidAssetId=4C32F659-E7EA-49B2- AE7D- E6A5A00117D1&blnFromSearch=1&product code=US

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