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Imperialism Imperialism- (Latin/ Roman Empire) one country’s domination of the political, economic, & social life of another country.

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Presentation on theme: "Imperialism Imperialism- (Latin/ Roman Empire) one country’s domination of the political, economic, & social life of another country."— Presentation transcript:

1 Imperialism Imperialism- (Latin/ Roman Empire) one country’s domination of the political, economic, & social life of another country.

2 What were the causes or reasons for imperialism? Industrialization Desire for markets Seeking new opportunities / settlers Political rivalries Missionary spirit Social Darwinism

3 Forms of Imperialism: Colony- territory ruled directly through colonial officials Protectorate- its own government, but policies directed by foreign power Sphere of influence- region of a country in which imperial power had exclusive rights to investment & trade Settler Colonies- settlement colony, such as those in North America and Australia, where European settlers made up the majority of the population.


5 I.The Partitioning of Africa

6 A.Dr. David Livingston 1. Most famous missionary & explorer 2. 1840- began series of explorations that lasted 30yrs. 3. 1860s lost New York Harold / Henry M. Stanley 1871

7 4. Impact- publicity surrounding explorations led to a scramble for resources 1880-1914 5.1885- 14 nations to divide Africa. King Leopold II- “the magnificent African cake” 6. 1914- European nations controlled 90% of Africa

8 B. French North Africa 1. 1830 King Charles X- ordered invasion of Algiers to est. colony 2. Abd al-Qadir (AB-duhl KAH-dur)- led resistance movement against French/ 10yrs -100,000 soldiers

9 3. Tunis 1881 4. Morocco 1904 5. Approximately 1 million French settled North Africa during this period

10 C. Britain in Egypt 1. 1800s- Muhammad Ali / Ottoman ruler 2. Ali- Egypt conquered neighboring lands, reformed tax system & modernized Egypt 3. 1859- French entrepreneur, Ferdinand de Lesseps est. company to build Suez Canal

11 4. Suez Canal- trade & strategic asset 5. 1875 – Great Britain gained control of canal when Egypt sold its shares to pay off debts 6.1882- British put down nationalist revolt of & Egypt became a protectorate

12 D. Italy Seizes Libya 1. Known as Tripoli in 1800s 2. 1911 Italy after gaining guarantees of neutrality attacked & seized territory

13 E. West Africa 1. By 1800s many Western nations abolished slavery 2. Slave trading continued- Arab & African traders sent people from Central & East Africa to Middle East & Asia 3. West African States- weakened by population lost traded natural products in exchange for manufacture goods: Palm oil, ivory, runner, cotton, etc. 4. 1870s- Europeans pushed inland to control trade 5.Discovery of quinine to fight malaria

14 6. 1900- Europeans (esp. Britain & France) gain new territories in West Africa 7. West African ruler- Samory Toure led armies against French 8. Gold Coast- Ashanti Queen Yaa Asantewaa fought British expansion 9. 1900 Liberia- only independent state in West Africa due to its relationship with USA

15 F. Central 1.1877- Belgium King Leopold II claims Congo 2.Claim based Henry Stanley’s expedition & discovery Congo River 3.Kings private plantation & enslavement- rubber trees & ivory tusk 4.1908 Belgian Congo - King sold plantation to government in exchange for loans

16 G. East Africa 1.British, Germans, & Italians 2.Ethiopia- only East African country to remain independent during this period 3.Menelik II- 1896 Italians crushed at Battle of Adowa 4.Ethiopia & Liberia- only two nations to escape complete European domination during the Age of Imperialism

17 H. Southern Africa 1.1652- Dutch Afrikaners settlement Cape Town 2.Strategic location prior to Suez Canal 3.British seized territory during Napoleonic Wars- placed restriction on Afrikaners 4.1830s Great Trek- approx. 10,000 Boers migrate & establish to independent republics – Transvaal & Orange Free State – Constitution based on inequality of races

18 5. Shaka Zulu 6. 1879- British eventually defeat Zulu 7. 1880s British settlers moved northeast into Boer territory 8. 1899-1902- Anglo- Boer War 9. 1910- British united territories / Union of South Africa union between British & Afrikaners

19 II. Division of Asia A. British India 1. 1600s – East India Company established trading ports 2. 1757 Battle of Plassey- East India, Robert Clive, agent used British army to defeat French. Next 100yrs Britain dominates through commerce 3. 1857- East India co. dominates most of India 4. 1857 Seypoy Rebellion- nationalist movement against cultural imperialism 5. 1858- Parliament ended East Ind. Co rule & established a Viceroy

20 B. China Faces the West 1. Qing Dynasty 1644- 1912- during this period political, economic, & military weakened 2. Trade barriers broken by British opium trade 3. 1839- 1842- Opium War- British victory & Treaty of Nanking: Granted British payment for war losses Hong Kong British citizens ruled by British law

21 4. 1890s- Spheres on influence 5. USA 1899 Open Door Policy 6.Boxer Rebellion 1900- Ended by multinational force 7.Revolution of 1911 / Sun Yat-sen- nationalism, democracy, & livelihood

22 C. Modernization of Japan 1. Ruled by military commanders- Shogun 2. 1853- Commodore Matthew C. Perry / ends isolation (Treaty 1854) 3. Unequal Treaties- signed with Western imperial powers lead to political turmoil 4.1868 Shoguns overthrown- Samurai gave allegiance Mutsuhito (1st Meiji) 5.Meiji- developed western form of govt., industrialized, infrastructure 6.1894 Sino-Japanes War- Japan aided Korea independence against China 7. 1904 Russo-Japanese War

23 D. Imperialism in the Americas 1. 1823 Monroe Doctrine 2. Spanish American War 3. Roosevelt Corollary

24 4. Panama Canal 1904-1914 5. Mexico- 1864 Austrian Archduke Maximilian emperor of Mexico 1910 Mexican Revolution Wilson’s Response

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