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Grant Aid Review Consultation 9 th August 2016. What we will cover today Why we are reviewing grant aid Different ways of partnership working The proposals.

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Presentation on theme: "Grant Aid Review Consultation 9 th August 2016. What we will cover today Why we are reviewing grant aid Different ways of partnership working The proposals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grant Aid Review Consultation 9 th August 2016

2 What we will cover today Why we are reviewing grant aid Different ways of partnership working The proposals What we are consulting on A time for questions and more detailed discussions about what it might mean for your organisation and any questions about the process

3 Why we are reviewing grant aid Current regime been running since 2012; since then context has changed and the council has a new Corporate Pot Would like to give the opportunity to new ideas as well as sustaining prioritised work currently funded

4 Different ways of partnership working The council’s relationship with the VCF sector is not just about money! It’s also about problem solving, sharing ideas and expertise E.g. Thriving VCF Group, input to commissioning, decision making on boards and committees

5 Principles of the Proposed Three- Year Grant Aid Strategy 2017-2020 Continues the Council’s commitment to maintain a ring-fenced budget for the VCF sector 3 year funding available / 2 years for Lunch Club Fund to provide stability and certainty in difficult financial climate both for Council and VCF Guarantee of 80% and 75% in years 2 and 3 Balance between providing an ongoing commitment to key services provided by the local VCF and providing wider access to grant opportunities through an advertised competitive grant process Must meet priority outcomes informed by this consultation

6 The Proposals Grant Aid Budget 2017-2020 Core Service Grants (only available to exsiting grant recpients prioritised to apply) Indicative fund amount yr 1: circa £1.1m 3-yr funding agreements will be available Infrastructure Fund (advertised application process) Proposed fund amount Yr 1: circa £190k 3-yr funding agreements will be available Equality Hub Support Fund parallel fund (advertised application process) Fund amount year 1: £75k 3-yr funding agreements will be available Tackling Inequalities (advertised application process) Indicative fund amount Yr 1: circa £120k 3-yr funding agreements will be available Lunch Club Fund (existing grant recipients will be invited to apply) Proposed fund amount Yr 1: £189k Individual grants to volunteer led lunch clubs 2-yr funding agreements BME Elders Activity Fund parallel fund (advertised application process) Fund amount yr 1: £30K 3-yr funding agreements will be available Lunch Club Development Grant 2-yr funding agreement

7 Anticipated Timetable FundApplication process Application Forms available DeadlineDecisionsFunding Agreements finalised Grant Award Commences (payment in advance) Core Service Grants Invitation to apply (up to 3 yr funding) w/c 3 rd October 21 st November End Jan 2017End Feb 2017 1 st April 2017 Infrastructure (incl. Equality Hub support) Open Fund (up to 3 yr funding) w/c 3 rd October 21 st November End Jan 2017End Feb 2017 1 st April 2017 Lunch Club Fund (incl. BME Older People’s fund) Invitation to apply (up to 2 yr funding) w/c 2 nd Jan 2017 31 st Jan 2017 End Feb 2017March 20171 st April 2017 Tackling Inequalities Open Fund (up to 3 yr funding) Early Feb 2017 31 st March 2017 May 2017End May 2017 1 st July 2017

8 Existing VSGF grant recipients All current VSGF awards end on 31 st March 2017 Meeting with individual organisations 8 th /9 th September 2016 Cabinet 21 st September (Cabinet Paper live on SCC website Tues 13 th Sept) In line with Compact, formal notices of the end of current awards by 30 th September

9 What we are consulting on Paper copies available of the online survey today ities-business-strategy/grant- aid/consult_view ities-business-strategy/grant- aid/consult_view Today we would like to consult on some additional points including outcomes, core funding, infrastructure accountability

10 It’s about the impact and outcomes for beneficiaries Application assessment will have emphasis on evaluating how well organisations can Evidence the needs of their beneficiaries Evidence that they meet these beneficiary needs Evidence that their service user profile reflects their target beneficiaries and appropriate city demographics. Deliver positive outcomes for the beneficiary and evidence how this is measured Evidence that they achieve these outcomes for their client group as a whole Fit with fund outcomes

11 But…. We want to be able to offer the option of core funding as well as project funding. This raises two questions, if we fund a rent shortfall or similar, 1.How would you measure the impact or attribute beneficiary outcomes to the funding? 2.How would you demonstrate fit with the fund priorities?

12 Infrastructure Fund Infrastructure applicants will need to demonstrate some accountability to the sector particularly on the following: Evidence that the grant will support services that the Sheffield VCF sector most need Evidence that the services that are grant funded will be free/affordable to VCF organisations and that they have a process of prioritisation to identify groups where infrastructure support will have the most impact. Evidence of a clear pathway that supports VCF organisations to understand the help and support they need and how they can access it across the range of infrastructure providers

13 Now… Time for questions and discussion with officers and Cllr Scott Paper copies of the online survey available Questionnaires on the assessment, measuring impact and levels of awards for Tackling Inequalities fund

14 The Proposals 2016-17 Grant Aid budget £1,663,730 Voluntary Sector Grants Fund (VSGF) £1,516,730 Theme 1: Tackling Poverty £940,020 Advice £876,000 Furniture Redistribution £64,020 Theme 2: Cohesion £408,724 Grants to 15 organisations Theme 3: Infrastructure £182,986 General Infrastructure support £140,800 (3 grants) Lunch Club development support £42,186 Lunch Club Fund £147,000 Grants to 52 lunch clubs Current structure

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