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Thornhill School News Issue 24 News from Miss Clark News from Mrs Colley SCHOOLSCHOOL This Week Next Week – 25 h March News.

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Presentation on theme: "Thornhill School News Issue 24 News from Miss Clark News from Mrs Colley SCHOOLSCHOOL This Week Next Week – 25 h March News."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thornhill School News Issue 24 News from Miss Clark News from Mrs Colley SCHOOLSCHOOL This Week Next Week – 25 h March News from Mrs Figes Attendance- week beginning 11 th March- 98.2% ( 2 lates in Key Stage Two) Well done! Let’s talk……. Easter Egg Competition The Children will start making their entries for the Easter Egg Competition on Tuesday 26 th March. Please start collecting resources for decorating eggs. If I was an animal, I would be a…. Fri 22nd March 2013 Brownies If your child is interested in joining Brownies please contact Rachel on 07854462784. Mon- Governor’s Meeting/ Sports Club Tues – Gymnastics Wed – Dance Thurs – Lego Club No recorder club Fri – Youth Club Mon- Sport’s Club Tues- 5/6 Rugby Competition. Start making Easter Eggs Thurs- Easter egg Competition 1pm. Please note -school ends at 1.30pm This week we have explored the method of communicating by letter. We have written informal letters from a desert island – to be kept in bottles! Moreover we have written more formal letters of complaint. These letters were to the owners of a restaurant, where we suffered poor service, disgusting food and poor standards of hygiene. As we approach the end of term the children are finishing their Science topic by looking at light and shadows. We have looked at the eye and how we see things. In maths we have been making bar graphs and practising reading the time and using timetables. We have also, been practising our mental maths skills and been working out areas and perimeters. RE has been fun week as we listened to the story of Moses’ life. We have had another very busy week finishing our topic on Castles. The Year 1s and 2s have worked in pairs making a castle with a working drawbridge. To do this they had to incorporate a winding mechanism in their design. In literacy we have all written some instructions to tell someone how to make a flag for a castle. We are going to follow our instructions to see if they are accurate.

2 Free Easter Egg Many of you have returned your registration form to get a free Easter Egg from the Thornhill Village Association. Please note that in order to get your free egg you will have to call at the Easter Event on Sunday 31 st March in Thornhill Social Club between 1pm and 3pm to collect it. Workington to Keswick walk Mrs Figes has entered the gruelling 32 mile walk this Sunday, and intends to run/jog as much of it as she can. All monies raised go to local charities in West Cumbria. Please sponsor her if you can. Karen’s 42K Summer Challenge Karen Smale is doing a 26.2 mile sponsored walk to raise funds for the nursery. If you would like to sponsor her there is a sponsor form in the main entrance in school. Parent Governor Vacancy We have a parent governor vacancy at our school. If any parent/grandparent is interested please contact Mrs Toman. PE Kit School have never enforced a particular PE kit but increasingly children are wearing very brightly coloured t shirts with slogans on which is not appropriate PE kit. We are asking parents to send in white t shirts and navy shorts for PE. Mrs Figes is prepared to buy some cheap t shirt and shorts to sell onto parents if this is what you would like. Jewellery/Nail varnish/Makeup/Toys A number of children are coming to school wearing jewellery (including earrings), nail varnish and makeup. May I remind you that for Health & Safety reasons school has a ‘No Jewellery Policy’ and nail varnish and makeup is not appropriate for primary school children. If children continue to come to school wearing jewellery it will be taken off them and kept in the school office until home time. Also several children are bringing in toys which are getting broken or lost. Please discourage your child from bringing in toys from home. Swimming Please note swimming for all pupils will start after Easter, the first session being Thursday 25 th April. The cost is £3 per week.

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