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Thornhill School News Issue 12 Fri 30th Nov News from Miss Clark News from Mrs Colley SCHOOLSCHOOL This Week Future EventsNext.

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Presentation on theme: "Thornhill School News Issue 12 Fri 30th Nov News from Miss Clark News from Mrs Colley SCHOOLSCHOOL This Week Future EventsNext."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thornhill School News Issue 12 Fri 30th Nov News from Miss Clark News from Mrs Colley SCHOOLSCHOOL This Week Future EventsNext Week News from Mrs Figes Christmas Fair Please can you start collecting bric-a- brac that you no longer want for our Christmas fair. We will also be collecting for the raffle. All monies raised will be used to subsidise events through-out the school year. We would like: old books and toys in good condition, household items, toiletries and food and drink items like boxes of chocolates. Attendance last week- 97.4% well done! However there were 13 lates. One child was late 4 mornings last week. We need to address this issue. Friday 7 th Dec- Xmas Fair- We need your unwanted toys and books. Please bring cakes and raffle prizes too. Tuesday 11 th Dec- School Panto visit- Sleeping Beauty Mon- Sports Club (£1) Tues- KS1 Gym club Wed- St Bees Football / no dance club due to teacher training evening. Thurs- Recorder club/ Posh Dress up day!!! Fri- Youth Club (£1) Christmas craft Mon- Sports Club (£1) Tues-KS1 Gym club Wed- Dance Club Thurs- Recorder club Fri- Christmas Fair 2.30 pm. Please bring all your pennies This week, in our Literacy work, we have been looking at the differences between war-torn London and the relative peace and tranquility of the Devon Countryside: as outlined in our book, Friend or Foe. We have thought about the role of news reporters in the interview of witnesses to events. We have written a short interview between a reporter and Tucky, a character, in the book. In Numeracy this week we have been adding and subtracting.Many of the year 4 and 3 children are learning how to carry when adding and borrow when subtracting. Years five and six are also adding and subtracting, but answering more complex problems often involving money and finding change. In RE we have been making Christingles and learning about their significance and in Science the children are currently looking at different types of rock and their uses. We continue to work hard on the play. Thank you to all the parents who have supported us by sending in costumes. The Christmas play is always an exciting and memorable event for the children. This week we have been very busy practicing our singing and dancing for our Christmas play. In literacy we have looked at the features of non fiction books with Miss Burns. We had great fun on Tuesday making our festival masks using feathers, glitter, sequins and ribbon. We will be bringing them home to show you soon!

2 Youth Club Friday’s 3.30pm to 5pm The Friends run a Youth Club every Friday evening but are short of helpers which is limiting the number of activities they can do with the children. If any parent/grandparent could spare some time to help on Friday’s this would be greatly appreciated. If you are interested please speak to Mrs Figes or Mrs Toman. Do you have someone else’s uniform? There will be a uniform amnesty next week- If you have uniform ( or any other items) in your home belonging to another pupil please leave them by the office for Mrs Figes to sort out. Maciej is missing a school T-shirt and a pair of pyjamas- these are both named. Courtney is missing a school cardigan, it has distinctive buttons. Headlice We are experiencing problems with children having headlice. As schools no longer get a visit from the school nurse to check for headlice it is the responsibility of parents to check their children’s hair on a regular basis and treat accordingly. Please remember if you do find headlice you need to treat the whole family and wash all bedding etc. Posh Dress-up day The School Council organised a ‘posh-dress up’ day on Thursday to raise money to purchase ‘fine dine’ equipment. All the money collected will be spent by the school council on fancy tableware, for those children who have behaved appropriately in the dinner hall and used excellent table manners.

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