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UNLOCKING STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT TOGETHER! By Debbie Bennett Photo of key and lock Revisions are in RED.

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Presentation on theme: "UNLOCKING STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT TOGETHER! By Debbie Bennett Photo of key and lock Revisions are in RED."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNLOCKING STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT TOGETHER! By Debbie Bennett Photo of key and lock Revisions are in RED

2 “The most accurate predictor of a student’s achievement in school is not income or social status …but the extent to which that student’s family is able to… Create a home environment that encourages learning… Express high (but not unrealistic) expectations for their children… Become involved in their children’s education in school…” Henderson and Berla Photo of graduates Photo of family reading

3 FAMILY involvement is the key to unlocking STUDENT achievement

4 The school library can help you connect to your child and your child’s educational experiences Photo of bike hub

5 Sign up in the library to volunteer throughout the school. Become a Reading Buddy or Homework Helper. Share your expertise. Keep the students safe. Assist with field trips and special learning days. Photo of library Photo of adult and child reading Photo of adult and child with iPad Photo of crossing guard Photo of field trip

6 Spend your lunch break with your child in the library’s Creativity Corner. Complete puzzles or learning games. Read books together. Use technology to create fun learning projects. Photo of adult and child doing puzzles Photo of adult and child reading Photo of child making a movie

7 Participate in an adult learning class, such as… “Keeping Your Child Safe in the Digital World” “Communicating with Your Pre-Teen” “Preparing for Middle School and Beyond” “Books Your Kids Will Love!”

8 “But what if my schedule won’t allow me to help at the school?” The library can connect you with many at-home opportunities that still allow you to actively participate in the school community. Photo of busy mom

9 At-home opportunities for involvement: Looking for ways to help in the classroom? Teachers always have resources that need to be cut out, glued, or assembled, and much of this work can be done at home. Photo of school supplies

10 At-home opportunities for involvement: Want to know more about your child’s interests? Join the library’s Online Book Trailer Club with your child to creatively discuss and promote your child’s favorite books. Photo of man talking about a book

11 At-home opportunities for involvement: Want to use your resources to help the students? Using the Needs Lists available in the library, use your community connections to gather free resources to help meet specific classroom needs. Photo of adults giving students backpacks

12 Check out the library website ( for additional links, resources, and ideas

13 Follow us on Facebook (insertfacebookname) for additional links, resources, and ideas

14 Follow us on Twitter (@inserttwittername) for additional links, resources, and ideas

15 Getting involved in your child’s education is easy rewarding eye-opening important life-changing

16 No one can influence inspire motivate reach life-changing your child like you can. Photo of happy family

17 The library is your one-stop source for getting involved. Let the library help you connect. Photo of graduates Photo of library books

18 CREDITS: All media used with permission. Images: Creative Commons images from under the following license agreement: Music: "Fretless" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License Video: PowToon and Debbie Bennett Works Cited: Henderson, A. T., and N. Berla. A New Generation Of Evidence: The Family Is Critical To Student Achievement. Washington, DC: Center for Law and Education, 1997. Print.

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