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Sequence of tenses Imperfect and pluperfect Subjunctive TB p. 221.

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1 Sequence of tenses Imperfect and pluperfect Subjunctive TB p. 221

2 Main Clause (indicative) Imperfect Preterit Pluperfect Conditional } Dependent Clause (subjunctive) Imperfect Or Pluperfect

3 1. The Imperfect subjunctive is used to express what was happening or would happen: Antonio quería que yo fuera (fuese) –Antonio wanted me to go Fue importante que todos asistieran (asistiesen) –It was important that everyone attended Los dueños habían pedido que nosotors trajerámos (trajésemos) comestibles –The owners had asked us to bring food (that we bring food) Julian le diría a Pablo que llamara (llamase) mañana –Julian would tell Pablo to call tomorrow

4 2. The Pluperfect subjunctive is used to express what had happened or would have happened. Yo esperaba que ellos hubieran dicho la verdad I hoped that they would have told the truth Dudaba que ellos hubieran venido I doubted that they have come (earlier)

5 Keep in mind that when the action of the dependent clause took place in the past, the imperfect subjunctive may follow the main verb which is in the present Dudo que él le diera (diese) el dinero el año pasado I doubt that he gave them the money last year Es posible que ellos lo encontraran (encontrasen) anoche It is possible that they found it last night

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