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Stick Spread Success. of consumers don’t believe that companies tell the truth in advertisements 76% Yankelowich.

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Presentation on theme: "Stick Spread Success. of consumers don’t believe that companies tell the truth in advertisements 76% Yankelowich."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stick Spread Success

2 of consumers don’t believe that companies tell the truth in advertisements 76% Yankelowich

3 SUCCESsSUCCESs imple nexpected oncrete redible motional tory How do we find the core of the idea ? How do we get & keep audience’s attention ? How do we make our ideas clear ? How do we make people believe our ideas ? How do we get people care about our ideas ? How do we get people to act on our ideas ?

4 Sticky Ideas Core Ideas Care Believe Story Concreteness Credibility Emotion Simplicity Understandable Memorable Unexpectedness The Power of Contrast

5 3 Reasons People Talk About You 1.The Love You/ Your Product 2.It makes them Feel Good/ Important 3.It connect them, and make them feel “belong” to the group

6 4 Rules of Word of Mouth Marketing 1.Be Interesting 2.Make People Happy 3.Earn Trust and Respect 4.Make It Easy for Everyone

7 5 T Of B2C2C Framework: 1.Talkers (Who will tell their friends) 2.Topics (What will they talk about) 3.Tools (How can we help) 4.Taking Part (Should we join?) 5.Tracking (what are they saying?) source: Word Of Mouth Marketing, Andy Sernovitz


9 The Tipping Point + The Social media Network Connector connects people to each other Salesman uses knowledge to engage and persuade Maven connects people through sharing knowledge

10 WOM is MORE EFFECTIVE !!! 1955Word-of-Mouth (WOM) is 7x more effective than newspaper advertising, 5x stronger than a personal sales pitch and 2x as effective as radio advertising 196736% of surveyed consumers reported learning of an innovation through word-of-mouth, while 48% reported being influenced by WOM when making a purchase decision 2001Diffusion studies found that WOM is 10x more effective than media advertising 200661% trust other people like themselves (as media) - Edelman Trust Barometer, 2006 Data taken from FUTURELAB

11 Inspired by: Surabaya Office Jl. Kombes Pol. M. Duriyat 39 Surabaya 60262 – Indonesia Phone: 031.5459975 Fax: 031.5459970 Email: Jakarta Office Plaza Lippo 11 th floor Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 25 Jakarta 10220 – Indonesia Phone: 021.5212323 Fax: 021.5203553 Email: SAM DESIGN Thank You ! Visit

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