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12345678 910111213141516 1718192021222324 2526272829303132 3334353637383940 4142434445464748 4950515253545556 5758596061626364.

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Presentation on theme: "12345678 910111213141516 1718192021222324 2526272829303132 3334353637383940 4142434445464748 4950515253545556 5758596061626364."— Presentation transcript:

1 12345678 910111213141516 1718192021222324 2526272829303132 3334353637383940 4142434445464748 4950515253545556 5758596061626364

2 Protein synthesis takes place in the… ribosomes

3 In eukaryotic cells the chemical energy stored in food is changed into ATP in the… mitochondria

4 The organelle that modifies and packages is the… Golgi apparatus

5 The small, membrane-bound structures that contain powerful digestive enzymes are… Lysosomes

6 Cells that do not have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles are called… prokaryotic

7 The cell theory states that: all living things are composed of cells, cells are the basic unit of structure and function, and… All cells come from pre- existing cells

8 Two organelles that are found in plant cells but not in animal cells are… Cell wall and chloroplast

9 What are the four levels of organization from simplest to most complex? Cell, tissue, organ, organ system

10 The movement of water across a cell membrane from high to low concentration is called… osmosis

11 Facilitated diffusion across cell membrane requires_______________ and moves a substance _________________________________. proteins from a high to a low concentration

12 An animal cell placed in a hypotonic solution would… swell and eventually burst

13 Placing a plant in salt water solution would cause the cell contents to… shrink away from the cell wall

14 Molecules that are too large to diffuse across a cell membrane can be exported by… exocytosis

15 As a result of diffusion, the concentration of many types of substances is trying to reach… equilibrium

16 Passive transport… is the net movement of molecules from a higher to a lower concentration. Does not require energy!

17 How are ADP and ATP related? Di has 2 phosphates Tri has 3 phosphates ADP = half charged battery ATP = full charged battery

18 The two major groups of reactions used in photosynthesis are known as… the light dependent reaction and the light independent reaction (Calvin/Dark cycle)

19 What organism can convert light into chemical energy? plants

20 What are the products of aerobic respiration? ATP, carbon dioxide and water

21 Which two substances must be present in the cell for the process of aerobic respiration to take place? glucose, oxygen

22 Both anaerobic respiration and aerobic respiration begin with the process of… glycolysis

23 The two main types of fermentation are… alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation

24 What process produces the greatest quantity of ATP per glucose molecule? aerobic respiration (ETC)

25 The process of mitotic cell division normally results in the production of… Two cells with the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell

26 During which stage of the cell cycle does DNA replication occur? Interphase (S-phase)

27 The purpose of meiosis is to form… four haploid cells (sex cells)

28 If a body cell of an alligator has 32 chromosomes how many chromosomes would there be in an alligator’s sperm cell? 16

29 During crossing-over, portions of chromatids… Break off and attach to adjacent chromatids on the homologous chromosome

30 The primary function of DNA in cells is to… Store and transmit information

31 What are the three components of a nucleotide? Five-carbon sugar, phosphate group and nitrogen base

32 If one strand of DNA has a base sequence of ATCGT, the complementary base sequence is… TAGCA

33 Guanine and cytosine are joined by… weak hydrogen bonds

34 Where does transcription occur? nucleus

35 The function of mRNA is to… carry genetic information from the nucleus to the ribosome

36 If the DNA code for the amino acid valine is CAA and the DNA code for the amino acid glycine is CCT, then the correct mRNA sequence for valine and then glycine is… GUU - GGA

37 The order of the information flow for protein synthesis is… DNA – RNA – protein – trait

38 In messenger RNA, each codon specifies a particular… amino acid

39 The product of translation is a sequence of… amino acids held together by peptide bonds (protein)

40 Who is considered the father of genetics? Mendel

41 In guinea pigs, black fur (B) is completely dominant over white fur (b). In order to determine whether a black guinea pig is homozygous or heterozygous for the color trait, the guinea pig should be mated with a… white guinea pig (homozygous)

42 In pea plants tall is completely dominant to short. Half of the offspring are short. What are the probable parental genotypes? Tt x tt

43 A segment of DNA on a chromosome that controls a particular hereditary trait is called a/an… gene

44 True/False: A cell that lacks a nucleus and membrane bound organelles is called eukaryotic False

45 What is the correct sequence of events in embryonic development? zygote – morula – blastula – gastrula

46 The attachment of the blastocyst (blastula) to the uterine wall is known as… implantation

47 Three primary germ layers are produced during… gastrulation

48 The first few mitotic cell divisions of the zygote are called… cleavages

49 The structure that exchanges nutrients, gases and waste products between the mother and the fetus is the… placenta

50 The stage of embryonic development that consists of a solid ball of cells is called a… morula

51 When the sperm fertilizes an egg, what is the result? zygote

52 What is the difference between mitosis and meiosis? Mitosis produces genetically identical daughter cells, meiosis produces four genetically unique haploid cells

53 Stem cells are… unspecialized cells that have the potential to differentiate

54 Where would you most likely find water? A&C C B A

55 All viruses must contain the following two important components: nucleic acid and… Protein coat (capsid)

56 All viruses cannot reproduce without a… host cell

57 In the lytic cycle of infection, a virus immediately makes more viruses and destroys the… host cell

58 Most bacteria reproduce by this type of asexual reproduction… binary fission

59 The three main shapes of bacteria are… bacillus, coccus and spirillum

60 Almost all compounds in the human body contain carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and… nitrogen

61 When mixed, why do water and oil separate? because water is polar and lipids are nonpolar

62 What are the components of a lipid molecule? glycerol and fatty acids

63 The molecules that are the primary fuel for living things are… carbohydrates

64 A protein that increases the rate of a reaction is a/an… enzyme

65 What are the functions of lipids? storing energy and building membranes

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