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By: Sophia Miller Hope you enjoy !!! Rabbits have a really gross habit. They eat poop!  Rabbits eat lots of greens such as grass and leafy weeds. 

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2 By: Sophia Miller Hope you enjoy !!!

3 Rabbits have a really gross habit. They eat poop!  Rabbits eat lots of greens such as grass and leafy weeds.  The greens don’t break down well.  Nutrients pass through a rabbit’s body without being used.  When rabbits eat their poop they get the nutrients they missed before.  Rabbits only eat the small soft droppings.

4 The cat threw up a gooey hair mess. What’s going on.  Cats swallow lots of fur when they bathe themselves.  The swallowed fur turns into a lump in the cat’s stomach.  The cat throws up to get rid of the hair ball

5 Did you know litter boxes are just as fun as sand boxes? Well for Ferrets they are.  Ferrets hunt by digging into other animals’ burrows  A ferret that’s your pet don’t hunt but they still have a habit of digging.

6 Scoot, Scoot. There goes the dog dragging its butt on the floor. Well the dog has a purpose.  Dogs have glands that make a stinky liquid when they poop to mark their territory.  When the glands get too full the dog rubs his butt on the ground to empty the glands. Guinea Pigs do the same thing because they have the same glands.

7 Cats have a stinky way of sharing information. You know how dogs smell each others butts when they want to know information? Well the cats share information by peeing. CCat’s pee to mark their territory and also pee when they’re ready to mate.

8 Lizards can do some really jaw dropping things.  When a lizard is in danger it squeezes its muscles and its tail breaks off.  The predator grabs the tail and the lizards runs away.  If pet lizard gets startled it will squeeze its tail off and the tail will wiggle around for several minutes.  Don’t worry about the lizard its tail grows back in a few months.

9 Thank you for watching my Wikitastic Book Review I hope you enjoyed it.

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