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Union for Reform Judaism Youth & College Programs in North America and Israel Scott Hertz, Leslie Bass & Patrick Stanley Master of the Universe Webinar.

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Presentation on theme: "Union for Reform Judaism Youth & College Programs in North America and Israel Scott Hertz, Leslie Bass & Patrick Stanley Master of the Universe Webinar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Union for Reform Judaism Youth & College Programs in North America and Israel Scott Hertz, Leslie Bass & Patrick Stanley Master of the Universe Webinar Series: Traveling Through Facebook Timeline & Understanding Insights

2 Union for Reform Judaism Youth & College Programs in North America and Israel “Timeline is the story of your life… all your stories and all your apps and a new way to express who you are.” Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder and CEO “Timeline offers a great opportunity for brands to tell their story in a more authentic, visually compelling and streamlined way.” Debbie Williams, Content Marketing Institute Watch the video & get the full tour at!

3 Union for Reform Judaism Youth & College Programs in North America and Israel Cover Photos Branded visual that sits atop your new Timeline page Only viewable by a user who has clicked on to your page, whereas profile picture is viewable across Facebook Must be hi-res (850 x 315 or larger, straight from digital camera) If adding text, beware Facebook’s restrictions Camps, might want to feature “photo of the day” during the summer NFTY, might consider switching out photos after each event Request design customizations at or

4 Union for Reform Judaism Youth & College Programs in North America and Israel

5 Views Highlights shows mix of stories published by the page, their friends & other users Friend Activity shows wall posts on the page by that user’s friends Posts by Page shows all posts by the page Posts by Others shows wall posts by other users

6 Union for Reform Judaism Youth & College Programs in North America and Israel Apps “About” section and apps prominently featured on your page Custom built apps live here (like “Stay Connected” & “Membership”) For most apps, custom thumbnail image can be set Click the down arrow to expand and view all apps Click the pencil icon in upper right corner of app to edit, swap places with another app or delete Apps to use: Photos, Events, Map

7 Union for Reform Judaism Youth & College Programs in North America and Israel Composer As you scroll down your page, you’ll notice a toolbar that appears at the top; you can can use itto move to an app, change the date or toggle your view When posting a link, paste in the URL, wait for the link preview to appear and then delete the URL To tag another page, first be sure your page likes that page and then begin typing that page’s name or @ followed by the page’s name

8 Union for Reform Judaism Youth & College Programs in North America and Israel Milestones

9 Union for Reform Judaism Youth & College Programs in North America and Israel Pinned Post Display a post prominently at the top of your page for 7 days by “pinning” it Use this feature to encourage users to register, remind fans about an upcoming deadline, promote a resource or blog post, or feature a fun photo

10 Union for Reform Judaism Youth & College Programs in North America and Israel Highlighted Posts Make a post span the full width of your Timeline by “highlighting” it The post will display full width, but remain in chronological order within the Timeline

11 Union for Reform Judaism Youth & College Programs in North America and Israel Friend Activity Top post in right-hand column of Timeline is from someone in your network who posted about or tagged the page in a personal post, if applicable This post is customized based on the user and his or her friend base

12 Union for Reform Judaism Youth & College Programs in North America and Israel Recent Posts by Others All posts tagging your page appear in this box Less prominent than before, but it’s still important to encourage folks to tag your page!

13 Union for Reform Judaism Youth & College Programs in North America and Israel Recommendations Pages that are associated with locations have a “Recommendations” box in the right column Encourage your users to “recommend” you and their glowing reviews will be available to all

14 Union for Reform Judaism Youth & College Programs in North America and Israel Admin Panel The “Admin Panel” allows you to make changes to your page Shows top-level dashboard, including Notifications, Messages, New Likes, Insights & Page Tips Use the “Manage” drop-down to edit or impersonate your page

15 Union for Reform Judaism Youth & College Programs in North America and Israel Customize Your “Likes” Box Your “Likes” will now appear in a box on the right side of your Timeline Customize your featured Likes in the Admin Panel to choose what pages will appear here

16 Union for Reform Judaism Youth & College Programs in North America and Israel Admin Panel > Edit Page Under Admin Panel > Manage > Edit Page, you’ll find options to manage your permissions, edit your basic information, set your featured likes and add or edit your apps

17 Union for Reform Judaism Youth & College Programs in North America and Israel Message A Page For the first time, pages now have message inboxes just like users These messages are private between the user and the page admins If you don’t want users to send you direct messages on Facebook, you can turn off this feature by going to Admin Panel > Manage > Edit Page > Manage Permissions and uncheck the box next to “People can send messages to your page” If you do allow fans to message your page, it’s important you monitor this inbox just like you would your email inbox

18 Union for Reform Judaism Youth & College Programs in North America and Israel Timeline Best Practices Fill out your history and milestones! Devise a plan/schedule for updating your Cover Photo over time When posting links in a status update, paste in the URL, wait for the thumbnail preview to appear and then delete the URL Tag other pages whenever possible Use the Events app for upcoming events and opening days More web, Group Mail or digital media questions? Email and (no need to copy us individually). Our webinar series and office hours will resume in the fall. Ideas for future topics? Email us to let us your know your thoughts!

19 Union for Reform Judaism Youth & College Programs in North America and Israel Facebook Insights What are Insights? Facebook Insights provide Facebook Page admins with metrics on the performance of your page. Understanding these metrics will make it easier for you to provide the best possible page and content for your followers.

20 Union for Reform Judaism Youth & College Programs in North America and Israel Finding Insights - Insights can be found in the admin panel of your page. - Click “See All” to access the full spectrum of metrics.

21 Union for Reform Judaism Youth & College Programs in North America and Israel Insights Overview Overview: Activity graph showing posts and reaction. Post Engagement Likes: Gender, Age, Locations, Language, Like Sources Reach: Shows “Likes” who actually saw content about your page. How people found your content Visits and Tab views Talking About This: Demographic breakdown of who is talking about you

22 Union for Reform Judaism Youth & College Programs in North America and Israel Talking About This Talking About This is the only public metric. Anybody who visits your page can see this number. This number represents the total number of people who have engaged with your page in the last seven days. Engagement = Liking the page, commenting on or sharing a post, tagging the page or responding to an event This is an easy and effective metric to guide how you’re page is doing. Nobody talking about your page? Give them something to talk about! Ask leading questions – “Like this post if you’re coming to camp this summer!” “Registration is closing tonight! Share this post to remind your friends to sign up.” Tip: Always answer posts, whether you “like” a comment or respond to it directly, people are more engaged with a page that is engaged with them.

23 Union for Reform Judaism Youth & College Programs in North America and Israel Engaged Users Engaged Users and Talking About This can be confusing metrics. The Engaged Users statistic counts the whole pie all of the people from Talking About This and all of the people who interact with your page, but don’t leave a visible mark. Engaged Users tracks clicks. Make sure to follow how many clicks your posts are getting. Is this number not continually going up or staying above old levels? You may need to reword your posts to be more action-oriented.

24 Union for Reform Judaism Youth & College Programs in North America and Israel Reach - External Referrers External Referrers shows how many times people come to your Facebook Page from another website. Knowing who is linking to you and where some of your traffic comes from will help you tailor your messaging. Are you seeing traffic from your website and blog? These may likely be your two biggest promoters of your social media. Make sure you’re posting information about your website (updates) and blogs (new posts) so people can find new content faster. Like Twitter, Facebook allows you to have direct conversations with people, this is why it’s important to get people from your website/blog over to Facebook. Knowing where a large portion of your traffic comes from will ultimately help you to focus your posts on what is driving your users.

25 Union for Reform Judaism Youth & College Programs in North America and Israel Reach – Tab Views At the bottom of the Reach tab, where you found External Referrers, there is also information on Total Tab Views. This lists all of the views for the different sub-pages on your Facebook Page. (Wall, Timeline, Photos, Events, Information and more) This is good information to take a look at, at a glance. Are your photos getting a lot of views? Play that up and post more images. Make sure to check up on this every month or so, it will help keep your direction fresh and make sure you’re following the patterns of your users.

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