The Curriculum Design Workshop Critical Reflection Stephen Rogan.

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Presentation on theme: "The Curriculum Design Workshop Critical Reflection Stephen Rogan."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Curriculum Design Workshop Critical Reflection Stephen Rogan

2 Critical Reflection Course Work 2: Critical Reflection –Details on the context of your design –Brief overview of your completed design –Effectiveness of the curriculum design workshop –Feedback from stakeholders on the curriculum design workshop –Self review and peer feedback on the completed design –Evaluation of the curriculum design process success or otherwise –Reflection on your own continuing professional development and opportunities for future development?

3 Details on the context of your design Foundation Degree Programming Lesson Flipped Classroom Student engagement Updated Lesson Plan Embedding of Digital Technology

4 Brief overview of your completed design Pre Class Activities Class room :- Short snaps of information, followed by Hands on activities. Use of range of technologies Post Class Activities

5 Effectiveness of the curriculum design workshop Very effective Used flipped classroom approach Student engagement Good ideas WALT/WILF for example Using range of theories to write LO’s

6 Feedback from stakeholders on the curriculum design workshop Staff found it very useful Excellent discussion between groups at the end. Students had input, allowed to shape their learning. Overall positive experience

7 Self review and peer feedback on the completed design Did start of with preconceived ideas. Need to apply learning so far to lessons/modules/courses. Good feedback between peer group. The Way Forward?

8 Evaluation of the curriculum design process success or otherwise Produce different but better lesson. Student focused. Bound by proven theories. New and highly useful knowledge gained that can be easily transferred. Personally Time management issues.

9 Reflection on your own continuing professional development and opportunities for future development? Positive experience Gained lots of new knowledge/ideas Exposed to new theories i.e. flipped classroom and seen this in action. Will share with CDCP staff. First step in delivering Blended courses HLA’s

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