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Stop Morning Sickness To Get Rid Of Morning Sickness Click The Link Below – Morning Sickness Cures.

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1 Stop Morning Sickness To Get Rid Of Morning Sickness Click The Link Below – Morning Sickness Cures

2 According to many health care providers morning sickness or nausea gravidarum is not any illness rather it is a good sign that indicates that the placenta is developing well. Morning sickness is very common among pregnant women in which they get nauseated feeling. This sickness is accompanied with vomiting. Sometimes nausea is caused as a result of increased hormones in body.

3 Vomiting and Nausea are the first signs of pregnancy and begins around 6th week of pregnancy. One may suffer from hyperemesis gravidarum if she experiences excessive vomiting. If this problem persists and is not treated properly then this problem could be harmful to the baby and mother. Some women who use hormonal contraception or hormone replace therapy are also seen to be suffering from morning sickness.

4 There are certain dos and don’t which any pregnant women suffering form morning sickness must keep in mind. She must eat small meals often in a day. She should drink fluids half an hour before or after the meals but not with meals. She should drink small amounts of fluids during the day to avoid dehydration. She should take plenty of rest. She should eat salty potato chips and avoid warm places.

5 She must not cook or eat spicy food. She should not lie down after eating and should not skip meals. Certain remedies will prove helpful to you in case you are suffering from morning sickness. These remedies include avoiding warm places as heat can increase the nausea feelings. One should get enough sleep at night as tiredness plays a big part in morning sickness. Eat dry cereal before one gets out of bed in the morning. Take naps during the day but not right after meals.

6 Open windows or turn on exhaust fans when cooking and after meals. Cook food in microwave as cooking in the microwave usually produces less odors. One can carry a handkerchief with a few drops of a non nausea causing essential oil like lemon in it and breathe through it. Once you feel nauseated start drinking non caffeinated teas like peppermint and ginger. These things are helpful in calming nausea.

7 To Get Rid Of Morning Sickness Click The Link Below – Morning Sickness Cures

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