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The Verb Jugar P. 208 Realidades 1 The Verb Jugar… o means to play a sport or a game. o uses regular -ar verb endings. o is also what is called a stem-

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2 The Verb Jugar P. 208 Realidades 1

3 The Verb Jugar… o means to play a sport or a game. o uses regular -ar verb endings. o is also what is called a stem- changing verb (or BOOT VERB)

4 The Verb Jugar o The stem jug- changes to jueg-. o Notice where the stem doesn’t change. Do you see the boot? o Here are the present tense forms...

5 Jugar (To Play) Yojuego Tújuegas Ud. Éljuega Ella Nosotros jugamos Vosotros jugáis Uds. Ellos juegan Ellas

6 The Verb Jugar o Jugar is typically followed by a and the name of the sport or game: o ¿Juegas al vóleibol? Where did “al” come from?

7 Translate o I play tennis. o Juego al tenis. o Do you play baseball? o ¿Juegas al béisbol? o Pedro and Pablo play soccer. o Pedro y Pablo juegan al fútbol. o My friends and I play golf. o Mis amigos y yo jugamos al golf.

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