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Financial Aid EDUC 1300 Yes. This will be on your test!

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Presentation on theme: "Financial Aid EDUC 1300 Yes. This will be on your test!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Financial Aid EDUC 1300 Yes. This will be on your test!

2 What is it for? Financial aid money is to be used to help pay for tuition, books, fees and supplies. It is NOT meant to be used as a primary source of income.

3 Terminology FAFSA-Free Application for Federal Student Aid SAP-Satisfactory Academic Progress: Students who would like to maintain their financial aid must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress. WHAT DOES SAP MEAN?

4 SAP Completion Rate: Students must pass at least 67% of their classes in order to maintain their financial aid. GPA-Grade Point Average: Students must maintain at least a 2.0 grade point average to maintain their financial aid. Class hours: Students who accept financial aid LOANS must take at least 6 semester credit hours each spring and fall semester.

5 SAP Students who do NOT maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress may risk losing their financial aid! If this happens, students must file a financial aid appeal.

6 Four Types of Financial Aid Grants: Money that does NOT have to be repaid. Most common examples are the PELL Grant and College Work Study. – College Work Study: Students who qualify for college work study may find employment on campus while enrolled at their college or university. Loans: Money that MUST be repaid either after a student graduates or stops attending college. Scholarships: Money obtained from public and private resources that does not have to be repaid. Oftentimes merit-based.

7 Q & A Do I have to accept both the Grants AND Loans? NO! Students that qualify for both can accept one or the other (or both.) Students MUST let their financial aid office know what they decide. How do I inform the Financial Aid office what I decide? Students must use their online Student Services Center to accept or decline their financial aid awards.

8 Deadlines to apply for Financial Aid Priority Deadline-April 16, 2012 Regular Deadline-June 30, 2012 Check your Academic Calendar for deadlines.

9 Q & A What if I enroll in classes but my financial aid money is not ready yet? Students may pay for classes on their own and/or arrange for a payment plan with the Business Office.

10 Additional Questions (Watch the financial aid videos at Financial Aid TV for answers. The link is on the next page.) What is the difference between a disbursement and a refund? Where is my grant? How do I know if I qualify for financial aid?

11 Helpful Links em.a12520d901466b1f3227a2ced07401ca/?v gnextoid=4467fde32d334310VgnVCM100000 864710acRCRD em.a12520d901466b1f3227a2ced07401ca/?v gnextoid=4467fde32d334310VgnVCM100000 864710acRCRD

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