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VocabularyNumbersAtomsTrendsFamiliesWho Am I $ 200 $ 200$200 $ 200 $ 200 $400 $ 400$400 $ 400$400 $600 $ 600$600 $ 600 $ 600 $ 600 $800 $ 800$800.

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4 VocabularyNumbersAtomsTrendsFamiliesWho Am I $ 200 $ 200$200 $ 200 $ 200 $400 $ 400$400 $ 400$400 $600 $ 600$600 $ 600 $ 600 $ 600 $800 $ 800$800 $ 800 $ 800 $ 800 $ 1000$1000 $ 1000 $ 1000 $ 1000 $ 1000

5 $200 Mass Number The total number of protons and neutrons in an atom

6 $400 Element A substance that cannot be broken down into a simpler substance

7 $600 Periods These are the rows on the periodic table

8 $800 Metals A majority of the periodic table is made of these type of elements

9 $1000 neutrons When an element has different isotopes, this is the only subatomic particle that changes

10 $200 positive The charge of a nucleus

11 $400 7.0 g/mL A piece of metal with a mass of 147 g is placed in a 50-mL graduated cylinder. The water level rises from 20 mL- 41mL. What is the density of the metal?

12 $600 Negative 1 The charge of an electron

13 $800 2 atm—Lussac Law The room temperature increases from 20-24C. What happens to the pressure if the starting pressure is 1.5 atm?

14 $1000 2 How many significant figures are in: 38,000 m?

15 $200 86 The number of protons in radon

16 $400 20 Calcium has an atomic number of 20 and a mass number of 46. How many electrons does Calcium have?

17 $600 74 neutrons Tellurium has a mass number of 126 and an atomic number of 52. How many neutrons does this atom have?

18 $800 30,30,40 How many electrons, protons, and neutrons are in Zn-70?

19 $1000 2 Neutrons What is the difference between a Zn-64 and Zn-66 atom?

20 $200 Sb Who has the largest atomic radius: N, Sb, or As?

21 $400 Lithium Which element has the largest ionization energy: Cs or Li?

22 $600 Increases As you move down a family, the size of an atom

23 $800 Rubidium Which element has the larger atomic radius: Rb, Sr, In?

24 $1000 S, Se, As Put the following in order from smallest atomic radius to largest atomic radius: Se, S, As.

25 $200 Halogen Chlorine belongs to this family.

26 $400 Alkaline Earth Metals This family has 2 valence electrons.

27 $600 Hydrogen Even though this element has 1 valence electron, it does not belong to the Alkali Family.

28 $800 Metalloids This group has properties of both metals and nonmetals.

29 $1000 Actinide Most of the elements in this family are radioactive and are produced in a lab.

30 $200 Dmitri Mendeleev He created the first periodic table.

31 $400 Period 4, Group 4 What period and group is Titanium in?

32 $600 Transition Metal, 79 P, 118N, 79 E, n/a VE Tell me family, protons, neutrons, electrons, valence electrons for Au-197.

33 $800 Halogen, 9P, 10N, 9E, 7VE Tell me family, protons, neutrons, electrons, valence electrons for F-19

34 $1000 Charles I am the scientist who can be applied to the following situation: Your car tire deflates on cold mornings

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