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Executive Branch & Bureaucracy Unit 7 Review Game!

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Presentation on theme: "Executive Branch & Bureaucracy Unit 7 Review Game!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Executive Branch & Bureaucracy Unit 7 Review Game!

2 Q1 List 3 of the 4 different types of bureaucracy.

3 Q2 It is defined as the relationship between the Congressional committee, executive department & special interest?

4 Q3 List the three Constitutional requirements for becoming President of United States.

5 Q4 This law allows citizens to practice oversight on the bureaucracy or any government entity by requesting the minutes to meetings of government officials.

6 Q5 This amendment to the US Constitution spells out the order of succession.

7 Q6 Do you remember the order to succession? More than just “yes”, list the first four!

8 Q7 Give three of the ways which Congress practices oversight on the bureaucracy.

9 Q8 What were the two main purposes of bureaucracies?

10 Q9 With the passage of this act, the merit system of landing jobs within the bureaucracy began.

11 Q10 Which article represents the executive branch in the US Constitution? Purpose?

12 Q11 In which of the 7 roles of the president does he/she give the State of the Union Speech?

13 Q12 List three of the seven main weaknesses of the bureaucracy.

14 Q13 Who does the President share the power of treaty with? How?

15 Q14 Give the three tools at the President’s disposal to deal with those who have committed federal crimes.

16 Q15 This amendment limited the President of United States to two terms. Which amendment? How long maximum to be President?

17 Q16 What were the four options available to President when he receives a bill passed by both houses of Congress?

18 Q17 What were the main duties of the Vice President assigned by the US Constitution?

19 Q18 What were three of five other non- constitutional recommendations for becoming President?

20 Q19 What were the four first Cabinet positions assigned to help the President? Who created them?

21 Q20 With the passage of this law, all usage of ideology or practice of political beliefs while at work or in uniform had to stop.

22 Q21 It is the presidential power of filling appointed positions within executive branch while Congress on break. What is this called? How long good for?

23 Q22 What is the main difference between a treaty and an executive agreement?

24 Q23 It gives the President the power to use troops for a limited period of 60 days without declaration of war from congress.

25 Q24 In this role the President celebrates holidays with the American citizens, and plays host to leaders of other countries.

26 Q25 This power of the president allows him to bring back congress while they are on holiday or break.

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