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Addiction: How to Stop Any Addiction and Completely Break Free 2 nd Edition Author: Robert Morgan Submitted From: Tommie Huey.

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Presentation on theme: "Addiction: How to Stop Any Addiction and Completely Break Free 2 nd Edition Author: Robert Morgan Submitted From: Tommie Huey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Addiction: How to Stop Any Addiction and Completely Break Free 2 nd Edition Author: Robert Morgan Submitted From: Tommie Huey

2 The text is pertinent to the field of addiction because of the self-help towards recovery and the information given in order for the individual to make the right choice: to seek help when needed. There are a lot of reasons why this book would be recommended for any individual fighting, ready to fight, or having difficulty with relapses with addiction. Reasons for recommendation: Understanding what addiction is Realizing/Admitting addiction Knowledge of what happens during addiction Seeking strength to do what is necessary Do not be afraid to seek help with recovery Understand relapses and that they may reoccur Accepting ones self and the journey it may take Why is this Scholarship Pertinent to the field of Addiction

3 Purpose of the Book The purpose of this novel is to educate people about the journey of addiction: the highs, the lows, the in-between and the sober. The journey of addiction isn’t an easy one nor is it something that a person would like to admit, challenge nor go through even if they are already living it, seeing a loved one going through it, or watching it in their neighborhoods through their neighbors, friends and town people. The purpose of this novel is to educate people about the journey of addiction: the highs, the lows, the in-between and the sober. The journey of addiction isn’t an easy one nor is it something that a person would like to admit, challenge nor go through even if they are already living it, seeing a loved one going through it, or watching it in their neighborhoods through their neighbors, friends and town people.

4 Key Points  All About Addiction  Dealing with Addiction  The Recovery and Rehab Process  How to Build Self-Esteem  How to Set Boundaries  All About Addiction  Dealing with Addiction  The Recovery and Rehab Process  How to Build Self-Esteem  How to Set Boundaries

5 All About Addiction Addiction is the continual usage of a substance or continually engaging in an activity such as gambling or sex and with the continual usage it becomes a habit especially when its pleasurable. The addiction will eventually change the addicts life by taking over their responsibilities, losing their job, or losing themselves in the addiction. How I Will Use the Information I will use the information in this point in my future practice by remembering what the journey of addiction is for everyone and that is very unique in every one’s perspective or battles. This information in the text will remind me of that along with respecting each person’s differences. Addiction is the continual usage of a substance or continually engaging in an activity such as gambling or sex and with the continual usage it becomes a habit especially when its pleasurable. The addiction will eventually change the addicts life by taking over their responsibilities, losing their job, or losing themselves in the addiction. How I Will Use the Information I will use the information in this point in my future practice by remembering what the journey of addiction is for everyone and that is very unique in every one’s perspective or battles. This information in the text will remind me of that along with respecting each person’s differences.

6 Dealing with Addiction The first step of dealing with addiction is to be able to admit that there is a problem and denial is usually one of the main issues that may arise with this. Different people will have different issues when dealing with addiction and some may have to hit rock bottom before they realize that they have a problem. It is easier to deny and continue a habit before actually trying to correct or change the addiction. The next step after realizing and admitting to having an habit or addiction is to seek help if needed and also take the necessary steps of correcting the behavior. How Will I Use the Information Addiction is a major deal and seeking help takes a strong willed person, but to continue the journey while seeking helps makes them even stronger. I will remind my patients of this and to continue to be an encouraging factor as well as the therapist they need to help them relate their new found thoughts/thinking into the real world while recognizing where they are weak at to make them stronger. The first step of dealing with addiction is to be able to admit that there is a problem and denial is usually one of the main issues that may arise with this. Different people will have different issues when dealing with addiction and some may have to hit rock bottom before they realize that they have a problem. It is easier to deny and continue a habit before actually trying to correct or change the addiction. The next step after realizing and admitting to having an habit or addiction is to seek help if needed and also take the necessary steps of correcting the behavior. How Will I Use the Information Addiction is a major deal and seeking help takes a strong willed person, but to continue the journey while seeking helps makes them even stronger. I will remind my patients of this and to continue to be an encouraging factor as well as the therapist they need to help them relate their new found thoughts/thinking into the real world while recognizing where they are weak at to make them stronger.

7 The Recovery and Rehab Process The journey to a healthy and sober lifestyle isn’t an easy journey. It’s a lifelong commitment that takes a considerable amount of effort and the first step is to take the necessary steps in the right direction. If rehabilitation is the next step, the process is different for each person depending on the addiction, the treatment plan followed, and the individual themselves. There are a lot of programs out there, but finding the one that suites your individual needs is the key because if you like it, you will ultimately try to complete it. While in rehabilitation, all needs will be addressed as well as if there are any mental disorders may have been hidden. How Will I Use the Information The recovery and rehab process is not an easy task, but the joy of staying on task and finishing, is along with the feel of accomplishment. The goal and the joy of starting the journey is hard, but while remembering this, I can help the by pushing the patient and letting them know that they have help every step of the way. The journey to a healthy and sober lifestyle isn’t an easy journey. It’s a lifelong commitment that takes a considerable amount of effort and the first step is to take the necessary steps in the right direction. If rehabilitation is the next step, the process is different for each person depending on the addiction, the treatment plan followed, and the individual themselves. There are a lot of programs out there, but finding the one that suites your individual needs is the key because if you like it, you will ultimately try to complete it. While in rehabilitation, all needs will be addressed as well as if there are any mental disorders may have been hidden. How Will I Use the Information The recovery and rehab process is not an easy task, but the joy of staying on task and finishing, is along with the feel of accomplishment. The goal and the joy of starting the journey is hard, but while remembering this, I can help the by pushing the patient and letting them know that they have help every step of the way.

8 How to Build Self-Esteem One of the major issue that a person with an addiction will have to do is rebuild his/her self-esteem through faith and effort on their part while pursuing a sober lifestyle. Many addicts go through their addiction alone and are usually ostracized from society, which is actually the worse thing ever. Society and family is usually needed the most with an addicted person and mostly because the addiction stems from being liked or social status among their peers or others. After rehab, it is normal for someone to feel low or showing remorse for their mistakes and building their self-esteem usually takes a while, longer than the individual may even expect. The tips given in this novel will help anyone start a new journey, complete it or continue to restart the journey. How I Will Use the Information The information in this novel will be used to help all my patients as well as recommend them to read the book. I will try my hardest to understand them and help them find themselves without the use of any substance or addiction. I must remind myself that after going through rehabilitation, many will find it hard to find themselves and what they should or want to do in life, but with opening their mind to the different activities available, exercise, and ways to treat themselves so that others may also treat them the way that view themselves. One of the major issue that a person with an addiction will have to do is rebuild his/her self-esteem through faith and effort on their part while pursuing a sober lifestyle. Many addicts go through their addiction alone and are usually ostracized from society, which is actually the worse thing ever. Society and family is usually needed the most with an addicted person and mostly because the addiction stems from being liked or social status among their peers or others. After rehab, it is normal for someone to feel low or showing remorse for their mistakes and building their self-esteem usually takes a while, longer than the individual may even expect. The tips given in this novel will help anyone start a new journey, complete it or continue to restart the journey. How I Will Use the Information The information in this novel will be used to help all my patients as well as recommend them to read the book. I will try my hardest to understand them and help them find themselves without the use of any substance or addiction. I must remind myself that after going through rehabilitation, many will find it hard to find themselves and what they should or want to do in life, but with opening their mind to the different activities available, exercise, and ways to treat themselves so that others may also treat them the way that view themselves.

9 How to Set Boundaries Setting boundaries will be the hardest thing ever to do for anyone starting or continuing a journey of going sober. This step will help the individual understand him/herself without addiction and realizing all the temptations or triggers to avoid. This step will also be the hardest for most patients and mostly because letting go is the hardest thing to do, whether it’s a habit, friends, family or part of themselves that they have carried around for years. This step is also one of the rehabilitation steps for mostly outpatient treatment or people that are ready to stop a habit that they are not proud of. Setting boundaries is challenging yourself to the point that you are willing to go beyond ones on strength into the unknown and ready to find what’s new. How Will I Use the Information I will use this information by helping others realize their shortcomings in not having enough faith in themselves or in their abilities to do and be more than their addiction. The boundaries set are temporary until they are mentally, physically, and spiritually ready to say no to their habit and mostly because after an individual has stopped a habit, they believe that they can sit around it without indulging in it once again. This is so not the case, the idea of ending a habit, isn’t to tempt oneself with what was once pleasurable, it is to mentally, physically and spiritually tear yourself apart from what once had a hold on your life and your finally willing to part ways from it and setting boundaries is one of the biggest, yet hardest step to complete. Setting boundaries will be the hardest thing ever to do for anyone starting or continuing a journey of going sober. This step will help the individual understand him/herself without addiction and realizing all the temptations or triggers to avoid. This step will also be the hardest for most patients and mostly because letting go is the hardest thing to do, whether it’s a habit, friends, family or part of themselves that they have carried around for years. This step is also one of the rehabilitation steps for mostly outpatient treatment or people that are ready to stop a habit that they are not proud of. Setting boundaries is challenging yourself to the point that you are willing to go beyond ones on strength into the unknown and ready to find what’s new. How Will I Use the Information I will use this information by helping others realize their shortcomings in not having enough faith in themselves or in their abilities to do and be more than their addiction. The boundaries set are temporary until they are mentally, physically, and spiritually ready to say no to their habit and mostly because after an individual has stopped a habit, they believe that they can sit around it without indulging in it once again. This is so not the case, the idea of ending a habit, isn’t to tempt oneself with what was once pleasurable, it is to mentally, physically and spiritually tear yourself apart from what once had a hold on your life and your finally willing to part ways from it and setting boundaries is one of the biggest, yet hardest step to complete.

10 Why I Recommend this Book  Everyone should read it whether they are going through the journey themselves or know of someone going through the journey of addiction  Addiction is a disease and it can only be fought by the addicted and the ones that love them  The novel explains every step towards sobriety so that everyone may be on the same page and/or be of help to any individual  Self-help is the best help and it all starts from within. This novel will get you started on loving oneself and accepting what one has been denying for so long, but was afraid to own it  The journey through or with addiction is one that only the strong can/will take and building upon this strength is what one searches for and this book allows the individual to decide what is best for themselves  Understanding addiction and what is holding you is the first step to overcoming addiction. The triggers, friends, associates, family, or whatever the problem or solution may be, one must find that solace and run with it daily while not giving up. This novel is motivation to find what is best for each individual and helping them understand themselves so others may help them in the form of love or acceptance, in which they were once afraid of.  Fighting addiction isn’t easy and an understanding and admittance to a substance or habit is the first step, this novel will attempt to help you with just that.  Everyone should read it whether they are going through the journey themselves or know of someone going through the journey of addiction  Addiction is a disease and it can only be fought by the addicted and the ones that love them  The novel explains every step towards sobriety so that everyone may be on the same page and/or be of help to any individual  Self-help is the best help and it all starts from within. This novel will get you started on loving oneself and accepting what one has been denying for so long, but was afraid to own it  The journey through or with addiction is one that only the strong can/will take and building upon this strength is what one searches for and this book allows the individual to decide what is best for themselves  Understanding addiction and what is holding you is the first step to overcoming addiction. The triggers, friends, associates, family, or whatever the problem or solution may be, one must find that solace and run with it daily while not giving up. This novel is motivation to find what is best for each individual and helping them understand themselves so others may help them in the form of love or acceptance, in which they were once afraid of.  Fighting addiction isn’t easy and an understanding and admittance to a substance or habit is the first step, this novel will attempt to help you with just that.

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