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CH. 20, 21 Q&A. Chapter 20 Why was Ft. Sumter so important to the South? To the North? – South – supplies, protection – North – strategic location, keep.

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Presentation on theme: "CH. 20, 21 Q&A. Chapter 20 Why was Ft. Sumter so important to the South? To the North? – South – supplies, protection – North – strategic location, keep."— Presentation transcript:

1 CH. 20, 21 Q&A

2 Chapter 20 Why was Ft. Sumter so important to the South? To the North? – South – supplies, protection – North – strategic location, keep it from the South How would more factories help the North? – Production of materials, supplies, equipment, and weapons, as well as to cut off the South

3 Ch. 20 Why was the South so confident going into the war? – King Cotton demanded allegiance to the South the South thought they would get the North to give in and Europe to aid them in order to keep the Southern cotton flowing to them

4 Ch. 20 To what extent, if any, did it appear the North would win at the beginning of the war? – If North, because of more manpower, more factories, better economy, and their navy – If South, better leadership and men more accustomed to guns & horses, and they are fighting at home and for their way of life. – If toss up, both have significant strengths so it would depend upon events throughout the war.

5 Ch. 20 Why would it have been foolish for England to trade cotton for wheat? – If England overtly supported the South they would have lost Northern wheat & corn which was keeping England from starving. The English were not going to take that chance and wisely chose to not support the South to keep getting aid from the North.

6 Ch. 20 Why wasn’t England going to aid the South after the Emancipation Proclamation? – The proclamation made slavery the primary issue for which the North was willing to fight and lose lives giving the North the high moral ground and ensuring no one that was anti-slavery would overtly aid the South.

7 Ch. 20 Why did the British not overtly aid the South, but covertly helped them by making “commerce raiders”? – In short, for money. They wanted to keep trading with the South, but they did not want to admit it to the world. Why is it not OK for the President to violate or suspend the Constitution? – Could lead to tyranny, then to lawlessness, then to civil war.

8 Ch. 20 Why were the first three bullet points on Ch. 18-21 notes, #19 a violation of the Constitution? – Only Congress can do these things! What Was the 4 th bullet point on Ch. 18-21 notes, #19 violating? – The 5 th amendment! What Was the 6 th bullet point on Ch. 18-21 notes, #19 violating? – The 1 st amendment!

9 Ch. 21 In Lincoln's six point plan to win the war, how does liberating the slaves undermine the South’s economic foundation? – They can’t farm if they have no labor Why didn’t Lincoln free all the slaves with the Emancipation Proclamation? – Didn’t want to chase away the border states and it was a military strategy more than a moral mandate.

10 Ch. 21 Why didn’t the Union initially allow blacks to enter the army? – Prejudice and ignorance What sentence or phrase do you think in the Gettysburg Address was so impactful and why this address was so historically memorable? – That we here highly resolve…from the earth

11 Ch. 21 Why were the terms of surrender favorable and not harsh? – The North wanted to immediately begin the healing process and quickly unify the nation

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