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How to Address Our Anger (James 1:19,20). Our Series of Lessons Today represents our fourth lesson in this series of lessons taken from the book of James.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Address Our Anger (James 1:19,20). Our Series of Lessons Today represents our fourth lesson in this series of lessons taken from the book of James."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Address Our Anger (James 1:19,20)

2 Our Series of Lessons Today represents our fourth lesson in this series of lessons taken from the book of James. Our theme for this series of lessons is “How To” Christianity! Previously, we have learned: –How to Survive Trying Times (1:2-4) –How to Obtain Wisdom (1:5-8) –How to Survive Temptation (1:12-18)

3 How to Address Our Anger One of the greatest struggles many Christians face is learning to deal with their anger. And you and I know that anger is just one letter short of danger. One leads to the other! The reason why anger is extremely dangerous is because it does not stand alone! Anger stirs up other emotions and actions like animosity, bitterness, clamor, evil speaking (including filthy language), malice, spite, temper tantrums, physical violence and feelings of vengeance.

4 What Is Anger? Anger (Greek: Orge)- “indignation which has arisen gradually and becomes more settled.” It is more of a lingering, seething emotion. Wrath (Greek: Thumos)- “The sudden outburst of passionate anger.” “The blaze of temper which flares into violent words and deeds, and just as quickly dies.”

5 What the Bible Says About Anger Old Testament- (Psalm 37:8; Proverbs 14:17,29; 15:18; 19:19; 21:19; 22:24,25; Ecclesiastes 7:9) New Testament- (Galatians 5:19-21; Ephesians 4:21; Colossians 3:8)

6 If Anger Exists- General Thoughts If a problem with anger exists, admit to it. Believe you can change. (Phil. 4:13) Learn to attack problems, not people. Learn from past mistakes. Commit to God every situation in which anger is felt and pray to God for help. Anticipate problem areas (situations, circumstances, individuals that trigger thoughts of anger).

7 If Anger Exists- Specific Thoughts The proven formula of being quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger is the best remedy for anger. This can be achieved if we will: –Stop jumping to conclusions! –Develop self-control (Proverbs 25:28) –Become forbearing (Proverbs 19:11) –Give a soft answer (Proverbs 15:1)

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