FORENSIC SCIENCE INTRODUCTION Day Three 2 Forensic Science History *Sherlock Holmes: fictional character developed by Sir Arthur Conan; used a great.

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3 2 Forensic Science History *Sherlock Holmes: fictional character developed by Sir Arthur Conan; used a great deal of early forensic detection *Mathieu Orfila: Father of forensic toxicology *Alphonse Bertillon: developed a personal identification system *Francis Galton: developed the first fingerprint classification system

4 3 Forensic Science History *Leone Lattes: discovered that blood type could be used as a means of identification *Calvin Goddard: refined the technique of bullet comparison with the gun from which it was fired *Albert S. Osburn: established fundamental principles of document analysis *Hans Gross: described the application of scientific disciplines to the field of criminal investigation

5 4 Edmond Locard âFrench professor âConsidered the father of criminalistics âBuilt the world’s first forensic laboratory in France in 1910 âPostulate--Locard Exchange Postulate Whenever two objects come into contact with each other, traces of each are exchanged.

6 5 CRIME LAB HISTORY âFirst police crime lab in the U.S. opened in 1924 âThe Scientific Crime Detection Lab was founded in Evanston, Illinois in 1929 âThe first FBI crime lab opened in 1932 âJ. Edgar Hoover as director of FBI established a national laboratory aimed at offering forensic services to all law enforcement agencies

7 6 What specialists are involved in crime scene evaluation? *Fingerprint experts: dactyloscopy *Crime scene photographers: aka identification officer or id technician *Forensic pathologist: application of microscopy to determine cellular changes in tissue *Forensic psychologist: develops psychological profile of the criminal *Forensic serologist: studies blood groups & other bodily fluids *Forensic odontologist: examines the teeth & makes casts of bite marks

8 7 Specialists cont. *Ballistics experts: studies everything to do with firearms *Forensic chemist: chemical analysis of physical evidence *Forensic geologist: studies soil samples *Forensic entomology: study of insects & decomposition *Forensic anthropologist: study of the bones to determine a person’s height, weight, physical characteristics, sex and race

9 8 Specialists cont. *Forensic artist: drawing the likeness of the person based solely on an eyewitness description or aging a photograph *Forensic sculptors: reconstructs the appearance of the face from the skull *Forensic linguist: analyze written and aural communication to identify who is speaking, the intent, voice comparison *Forensic engineering: concerned with failure analysis, accident reconstruction, causes/origins of fires or explosions

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