End User Process Help - (UK) Immigration Visa Administration.

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1 End User Process Help - (UK) Immigration Visa Administration

2 2HONEYWELL - CONFIDENTIAL File Number MANAGER ROLE The following process flows are described in this document. The yellow boxes in the process highlight the steps which the manager is involved in: Initiate a Visa process for hiring a new Employee Initiate a Visa process for extending a current Employee’s visa

3 3HONEYWELL - CONFIDENTIAL File Number Initiate a Visa process for hiring a new Employee Manager Role 1.Staffing will submit an assessment to Fragomen (honeywell@fragomen.com)honeywell@fragomen.com 2.Fragomen will send recommendation & cost/time assessment to HRS 3.HRS will initiate an approval workflow in the portal 4.You will receive and e-mail asking for your approval or rejection of the cost 1.If you’re going to cover the cost of the visa: 1.Select “Approve” and in the comments section capture “Charge to the Company”. 2.In that same comments section provide the hyperion code. 3.Click in OK and An e-mail will be sent to the HRG for their approval. 2.If you’re not able to cover the cost, but the Candidate is willing to cover that cost, then select “Approve” and in the comments section capture “Charge to the Candidate”. Then an e-mail will be sent to the HRG for approval. 3.If no one is willing to cover the cost, then select “Reject” and that will terminate the process and sourcing will recommence 5.HRG will receive a notification requesting their approval 1.If HR rejects, they will need to notify you & the employee 2.If HR approves, a notification will be sent to HRS to initiate the case with Fragomen 6.HRG will need to advise staffing that the candidate has been approved on their visa cost 7.HRS will receive a notification from the portal about the approval 8.HRS will send the initiation form to the Manager 9.You will need to complete the initiation form and e-mail it to Fragomen (honeywell@fragomen.com)honeywell@fragomen.com 10.Fragomen will initiate the Visa process. Start 3- HRS initiates approval workflow including time and cost estimates 4- Manager approves 5- HRG approves 8- HRS initiates case with Fragomen End 6- HRG notifies staffing of the candidate to be hired 1- Staffing requests Cost and Time estimate 7- Manager provides completed initiation form to HRS 2- Fragomen provides Cost and Time estimate

4 4HONEYWELL - CONFIDENTIAL File Number 1.Fragomen or the EE let HRS know that the Visa is coming up for a renewal 2.HRS will initiate a workflow in the portal 3.You will receive an e-mail asking for your approval or rejection 1.If you’re going to cover the cost of the visa, select “Approve” and in the comments section capture “Charge to the Company”. Then an e-mail will be sent to the HRG for approval. 2.If you’re not able to cover the cost, but the Candidate is willing to cover that cost, then select “Approve” and in the comments section capture “Charge to the Candidate”. Then an e-mail will be sent to the HRG for approval. 3.If no one is willing to cover the cost, then select “Reject” and that will terminate the process 4.HRG will receive a notification requesting their approval 1.If HR rejects, they will need to notify you & the employee 2.If HR approves, a notification will be sent to HRS to initiate the case with Fragomen 5.HRS will send you a visa initiation form to complete You will need to complete the initiation form and e-mail it to Fragomen (honeywell@fragomen.com)honeywell@fragomen.com 6.Fragomen will receive initiation form and send the employee an e-mail to complete documentation 7.Employee completes documentation and submits by e-mail (honeywell@fragomen.com)honeywell@fragomen.com 8.Fragomen prepares the case and sends the Certificate of Sponsorship request to the HRG 9.HRG reviews and confirms approval to Fragomen (honeywell@fragomen.com)honeywell@fragomen.com 10.Fragomen files the case or sends application package to EE 11.EE sends copy of the work permit to Fragomen (honeywell@fragomen.com) Fragomen updates HRShoneywell@fragomen.com EE also provides original right to work documents to Manager who copy them and send to HRS 12. HRS updates Visa record in PeS and stores new right to work documents Start 2- HRS initiates approval workflow 3- Manager approves 4- HRG approves End 5- Manager provides completed initiation form to Fragomen 8- Fragomen prepares case 9- HRG signs-off the case 10- Fragomen files case or EE files the case in the appropriate consulate 11 - Fragomen or EE notify when the case is approved 12- Manager takes copy of right to work docs.HRS update records Initiate a Visa process to Initiate or Extend a current Employee’s visa Manager Role 6- Fragomen initiates the process with the EE 7- EE submits documentation to Fragomen 1- Fragomen or EE notify HRS of upcoming renewal

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