Judaism. Origins Canaan- Homeland, Hebrews believed it was promised to them by God (Palestine) Torah- Holy doctrine, first 5 books of the Bible (Old Testament)

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Presentation on theme: "Judaism. Origins Canaan- Homeland, Hebrews believed it was promised to them by God (Palestine) Torah- Holy doctrine, first 5 books of the Bible (Old Testament)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Judaism

2 Origins Canaan- Homeland, Hebrews believed it was promised to them by God (Palestine) Torah- Holy doctrine, first 5 books of the Bible (Old Testament)

3 Abraham “Father” of the Hebrews Made a covenant (promise) with Yahweh Abraham promised to be faithful, Yahweh promised to protect his people

4 Journey from Ur to Egypt Abraham led his people to Egypt to escape drought and famine They were later forced into slavery

5 Moses Led Hebrews exit from Egypt, known as the Exodus Spoke with God on Mount Sanai, He returned with the 10 Commandments

6 Beliefs Emphasize moral conduct and the worship of one God (ethical monotheism) Ideas influenced human behavior for Christianity and Islam God will send a savior to earth after three signs have been sent Afterlife often called “world to come”

7 Israel 1948 Promise Land to Jews

8 Rabbi is the leader of the synagogue Sabbath is from sundown Friday to sundown on Saturday Star of David arose as symbol in 16 th century

9 Holidays Rosh Hashanah- Jewish New Year Yom Kippur- day of atonement Passover- exodus of Egypt Hanukkah- festival of lights

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