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Prompt What is the problem with a government running on needing a “super majority” to make decisions?

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Presentation on theme: "Prompt What is the problem with a government running on needing a “super majority” to make decisions?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prompt What is the problem with a government running on needing a “super majority” to make decisions?

2 Creating the Constitution

3 Articles of Confederation The country’s first government – Created during and after the Revolution Loose, weak union of friendship between the states  “a rope of sand” James Madison National government was simply a congress where every state had one vote – For anything to get done there had to be a super majority 9/13

4 Problems with the A of C Inability to tax (raise money) – Had to ask the States for funds  request often ignored – Why could this be a problem? Inability to solve problems between the states: – States fought over taxing each other’s goods – States fought over their boundaries

5 More Problems with the A of C Money Problems – Lacked gold or silver to mint States started making their own money  Why a problem? Money Shortages  Hardest on Farmers – Could not pay debts / taxes – Ordered to sell their land and livestock – Shays Rebellion: Farmers response to taxes. National government was helpless Sign the country was falling apart

6 Debrief Why was a change in government needed from the Articles of Confederation? Why would the country have created such a weak national government such as the Articles of Confederation?

7 Constitutional Delegates 55 delegates (wealthy, well-educated white men) Only 12 states (no Rhode Island =feared strong nat’l gov’t ) – All are committed to the ideals of the Dec of Ind. – Average age = 42 (Ben Franklin = 81) – 2/3 = Lawyers – Over 1/3 = Slave Owners – James Madison = Father of the Constitution A lot of fear of a strong national gov.  Why? – Led to some not coming: Sam Adams, Patrick Henry, – and John Hancock

8 Constitutional Convention Big issue of secrecy  Wanted to speak freely – Doors and windows shut (during the summer) – Not allowed to speak of anything outside convention room – Fear that news would be leaked to the press causing panic among the public.

9 1 st Big Issue How would states be Represented in government? – Virginia Plan vs. New Jersey Virginia plan: – 3 Branches: Legislative (lawmaking 2 houses), Executive (enforces) Judicial (interprets) – States get representation based on population New Jersey Plan: – Kept everything but 1 house w/ representation equal for all states – Worried of getting “swallowed up” by large states V.S.

10 Resolution: The Great Compromise Built off of Roger Sherman from Connecticut’s plan. Kept most of the Virginia Plan – 3 Branches – 2 house Legislature Change: – One house based on population = House of Reps – One house based equally = Senate How many Representatives are there today in the House? Senate?

11 Day 3 Woohoo!

12 Quick Review Review/finish your image about the Great Compromise Find a partner and use your picture to tell them what the “Great Compromise” was all about

13 2 nd Big Issue What to do about slaves in terms of representation – 9/10 slaves lived in the South Southerners wanted as many representatives in the House as possible (why?) – Northerners Angry & Confused: People or Property? – “then make them citizens and let them vote” ~Morris~

14 Resolution: 3/5ths Compromise Decided to count slaves as 3/5ths of a person when counting a state’s population for their number of representatives in the House Brought the slave trade into question – Some wanted it ended (morally wrong) while others didn’t ($$$) – Another compromise: Congress would not interfere with the slave trade for 20 years (end up banning it right when that time was up) To make southerners agree Fugitive Slave Clause was created

15 Day 4

16 Review We have discussed the first two issues the constitutional delegates debated. Can you say what the issues were, the sides to both debates, and what compromise they agreed upon? Get with a partner and see if you can. Write down your answers.

17 Issue #3 Electing the executive (President) – Single person? (scary = King George?) – 3 people? Decide on one executive to be called the President – To keep from becoming too much like a king limited it to 4 year terms How to pick? – Congress? – The people? – Special group of Electors?

18 Resolution: The Electoral College Each state has the same number of “special” voters as they do Congressman Each state got to decide how to elect their electoral college voters – Now the people of a state do by who they vote for – The candidate that receives the most votes in a state gets that state’s electoral votes

19 8.11 Closing the Convention How many states needed to ratify the Constitution & who should it be ratified by? A super-majority = 9/13 states Ratified by delegates chosen directly by the people Sept. 17, 1787 Constitution Day All but 17 signed the Constitution they feared either too strong of a national gov’t (would take over state’s/people’s rights) or that it didn’t protect the people’s rights

20 Reading Questions 1.Why was the court system having problems in regards to new land settlements? 2.How did the Land Ordinance of 1785 help organize the new lands? 3.How did the Northwest Ordinance solve the problem of how to govern the new lands? Draw two symbols/pictures: – Land Ordinance of 1785 – Northwest Ordinance The two good things the AofC Government did:

21 8.12 Constitution goes to the Nation Many copies printed to circulate in the states Nation divided into two groups: Federalists; who supported the ratification writing articles called Federalist Papers to convince people and states to ratify Federalists headed and written by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and John Jay Anti-Federalists: opposed the Constitution as is, feared: Congress would ruin the country with taxes too much power given to the president Judicial branch would swallow up states courts Did not list the rights of the people

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