University of Kragujevac. The University of Kragujevac was officially established on May 21, 1976.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Kragujevac. The University of Kragujevac was officially established on May 21, 1976."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Kragujevac

2 The University of Kragujevac was officially established on May 21, 1976

3 University of Kragujevac 12 faculties of this university are located in Kragujevac and other towns of central Serbia

4 Kragujevac Jagodina Кraljevo Кraljevo Čačak Užice University of Kragujevac Vrnjačka Banja Vrnjačka Banja

5 Faculty of Philology and Arts University of Kragujevac Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Economics Faculty of Science Faculty of Law Faculty of Medical Sciences

6 Faculty of Technical Sciences in Čačak Faculty of Agriculture in Čačak Faculty of Mechanical and Civil Engineering in Kraljevo Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences in Jagodina Teachers Faculty in Užice Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management in Vrnjacka Banja University of Kragujevac

7 The University of Kragujevac has about 95 accredited programs in all major fields of study and the teaching staff of 1020 teachers and associates. The University of Kragujevac has the student population of 20000 students enrolled in all three study cycles.

8 Center for Research and Scientific Work Center for Career Development and Student Counseling International Projects Office Cooperative Training Center University IT Center PR Service University Library University Art Gallery

9 Internationalization Internationalization is recognized as an indispensable factor of University development and integration into European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and European Research Area The only centralized (umbrella) service for all 12 faculties

10 Relevant structure 1. Department for International Cooperation and monitoring of international projects  Head of the Department  Mobility officers  International Projects Office 2. Center for Career Development and Student Counselling 3. Vice-Rectors

11 Local Management Team for Incoming students  Vice-Rector for Science and Reseach Prof. Dr Zivadin Bugarcic  Head of the Department for International Cooperation Olivera Mijatovic  Deans of the corresponding faculties

12 Protocols and Regulations -Regulations on student mobility and transfer of ECTS -Regulations on recognition of foreign higher education qualifications and validation of foreign study programs -Regulations on study programme adoption -Regulations on student enrollment in the study programmes of the University - Regulations on the procedures for the realization of international projects managed or coordinated by the University - Decision on the establishment of the International Projects Office Managing Board

13 Shortcomings Lack of study programmes offered in English language Lack of language support to teaching staff Lack of Serbian language courses for foreign students Lack of support at the level of Faculties Lack of clear protocols for support of foreign students

14 Thanks for your attention!

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