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Common Systems – Holger Kollmus Holger Kollmus FAIR - Machine Advisory Committee Meeting 10.11.2011 Common Systems and Controls.

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Presentation on theme: "Common Systems – Holger Kollmus Holger Kollmus FAIR - Machine Advisory Committee Meeting 10.11.2011 Common Systems and Controls."— Presentation transcript:

1 Common Systems – Holger Kollmus Holger Kollmus FAIR - Machine Advisory Committee Meeting 10.11.2011 Common Systems and Controls

2 Common Systems – Holger Kollmus WP 2.14 - Common Systems WP (PSP No.): WP leader Deputy 2.14.1 Electric power H. Ramakers H. Welker 2.14.2 Detector gas supply M. Schwickert P. Forck 2.14.8 Cryogenics M. Kauschke C. Schroeder 2.14.9 Alignment I. Pschorn T. Miertsch 2.14.10 Control system R. Bär U. Krause 2.14.11 Link existing facilities O. Kester (acting) H. Eickhoff 2.14.12 Installations/assembly H. Reich-Sprenger M. Bevcic 2.14.13 Magnet testing P. Schnizer E. Fischer 2.14.14 Quench detection E. Floch

3 Common Systems – Holger Kollmus Status and progress Cryogenics 2.14.8 Cryogenics:  Constantly updated heat load definition.  Work on site planning for the compressor building.  Work on the compressor layout and the electrical power consumption.  Planning on HeSu cryo plant and the refurbishment of DESY cryo plant (not part of FAIR cost book but can be used for FAIR R&D and training). There is a detailed presentation this afternoon!

4 Common Systems – Holger Kollmus Status and progress Alignment 2.14.9 Alignment:  Study to develop a measurement system for use in highly activated machine environments is ongoing.  The general requirements for manufacturers as well as specific requirements for first magnet types in order to align are defined.  The performance requirements for all the accelerator alignments are defined.  Test measurements on superconducting magnets for the determination of the dynamic behavior of the cold mass vs. the cryostat.

5 Common Systems – Holger Kollmus Status and progress Controls 2.14.10 Control system:  Advanced development of the FESA software framework for component control.  Advanced development on the accelerator-control data supply LSA.  Positive evaluation of the LSA framework with SIS18. SIS18 controls will fully migrated in 2012.  There is a strong collaboration with CERN also to develop the timing and event distribution system and on the production of first prototypes for switches and receivers.  The prototype manufacturing of a standard device controller is nearly finished.  Fruitful collaboration with CERN also on industrial slow control using PCL with UNICOS and WinCC OA (former PVSS).  A proposal for an in-kind contribution from Germany and Slovenia is submitted to the next IKRB.

6 Common Systems – Holger Kollmus Status and progress Controls II

7 Common Systems – Holger Kollmus Status and progress Link Existing Facility 2.14.11 Link existing facility:  Strongly increased stripper efficiency.  Improved transmission through UNILAC.  World record intensity in the SIS18 reproducible observed.  The dynamic vacuum effect is cured by a ion catcher system and high pumping speed in the injection Septum combined with a optimized injection.  NEG coating of dipole and quadrupole chambers finished.  The optical beam layout studies for the transfer lines from the p-LINAC to SIS18 and from SIS18 to SIS100 are done.  Radiation safety calculations for shielding improvements are in progress.

8 Common Systems – Holger Kollmus Status and progress Assembly an Installation 2.14.12 Assembly and installation:  Pre mounting areas in testing hall (north part) are provided.  Storage areas are in preparation and different scenarios are investigated.  Call for tender for an internal logistic system is in preparation and will be completed in 2011. It will be commissioned in the next projects.  All technical guidelines are defined.

9 Common Systems – Holger Kollmus Status and progress Magnet Testing 2.14.13 Magnetic testing  Development of various options and scenarios for magnet testing.  Negotiations with CERN regarding SuperFRS magnetic testing. First meeting was on the 26 th of September. Further contact with KIT.  Evaluation of potential sites for SIS 100 quadrupole magnet testing.  Evaluation of potential sites for SIS100 dipole magnet testing at GSI.  Proposal for an in-kind contribution from Germany. There is a detailed presentation this afternoon!

10 Common Systems – Holger Kollmus Status and progress Quench Detection 2.14.14 Quench detection  The first functional specification will be ready end of November 2011.  A quench detection expert meeting (inviting specialists for CERN, Desy and KIT) will be organized for January 2012.  The complete functional specifications will be finalized in April 2012.  A collaboration with KIT was started in August 2011.  Development of quench protection at KIT is starting right now.

11 Common Systems – Holger Kollmus WP 2.14 – Work Package Descriptions and Time Schedule WPDTS 2.14.1Electric power x 2.14.2Detector gas supply 2.14.8Cryogenics in preparation 2.14.9Alignment * 2.14.10Control system 2.14.11Link existing facilities in preparation 2.14.12Installations/assembly SuperFRS 2.14.13Magnet testing in preparation 2.14.14Quench detection in preparation *strongly dependent on other subproject schedules

12 Common Systems – Holger Kollmus WP 2.14 – Summary  Time planning ongoing. The tasks strongly depend on other subprojects.  Proposal for in-kind contributions for controls and magnet testing (SIS100 dipoles) is submitted to the next IKRB.  Cryogenic HeSub and Cryo1 should be submitted to next IKRB.  Magnet testing scenario for SuperFRS and SIS100 quadrupole magnets should be decided soon. Long term work packages:

13 Common Systems – Holger Kollmus ENDE 2.14.1 Electric power: The planned electrical power topology is negotiated with the local power company. Two new 110kV lines are in planning. Empty tubes will be piped in spring 2012. The FAIR 20 kV and 400V grids are in planning. There is work ongoing on the magnet power supply. 2.14.2 Detector gas supply: Requirements are specified, detailing system design nearly finished (mid. October), strong collaboration with FAIR civil construction. The task is comparable with cabling and other CC staff. Next step: adoption of CC planing for module 0 to 3.

14 Common Systems – Holger Kollmus Some activities 2.14.8 Cryogenics: * Planning on HeSu cryo plant and the refurbishment of DESY cryo plant * Work on HTS current leads * Planning on buzz bar routing 2.14.9 Alignment: * Fiducialization of components at GSI  benches for measurements, secure know how at GSI, training of staff 2.14.10 Control system: * Continue general system design and technical developments (Timing, FESA, etc.) * FESA v3.0-beta available for prototype device class developments * First timing system WR-switch hardware prototype available for testing * Project to deliver commissioning cs to CEA for p-source/LEBT in Q3/2013 initiated 2.14.13 Magnet testing: * Planning on upgrade of existing test bench (Power supply) * Planning on the test benches for the series magnets * Estimation of required resources for the SIS100 magnet testing (Personnel, invest) 2.14.14 Quench detection: * Definition of voltage sensitivity of the system for the different magnets

15 Common Systems – Holger Kollmus Major problems and risks and according mitigation actions 2.14.10 Control system: * No experience for controls of cryogenic systems  Collaboration with CERN (general support, training at CERN)  hire 1 automation engineer  gain experience on DESY cryo plant at GSI and S100 dip. magnet testing installation 2.14.13 Magnet testing: * No man power for series testing * In case of external testing  man power for follow up * Quality assurance strategy for SC magnets * Cryo plant for testing  Hiring temporary staff 2.14.14 Quench detection: * Now R&D concerning quench detection done (Voltage detection  long distances between magnets and electronic devices) * Lack of man power: A single person is working on a topic which requires 3 people * Missing know how at GSI on quench det. Electronics  Get KIT and CERN involved, get EE at GSI involved, hiring of an engineer

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