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CHAPTER 26. Western Imperialism  Western Imperialism  1870-1914 height of the age of imperialism (country takes control of another country)  By 1914.

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2 Western Imperialism  Western Imperialism  1870-1914 height of the age of imperialism (country takes control of another country)  By 1914 the great powers of Europe, Japan, and the United States controlled almost half the world.  Imperialism was not planed  Many times the military was forced in to other countries to protect their own citizens in the foreign country.

3 Western Imperialism  Types of control:  Europeans had settlement colonies: large groups of people from one country living together in a new place. Example Australia was a settlement colony of Great Britain Many other Europeans set up dependent colonies: few officials ruled the non-European people. India was a dependent colony of Europe.

4 Western Imperialism  Europeans set up protectorates in some areas.  Protectorates: local ruler kept his title, but Europeans really controlled the area. Other nations were kept out.  Other colonies were in spheres of influence: a sphere of influence an area in which one nation had a special interest. Other nations agree to respect special interests.

5 Western Imperialism  National Rivals:  Nationalism powerful force between 1870-1914  Nations believed that would respect them more if they had colonies. (saw colonies to get troops for a bigger armies)  Gurkhas soldiers from Nepal, joined Australians and New Zealanders in British armies.  West Africa troops fought for France.  Large Navy just important as Large Army

6 Western Imperialism  Small islands with no importance was important to these countries for strategic location for their navy.  Start of 1914 there were bitter rivalries among the imperial powers.  Imperialism lead to hatred among colonized people  This led to what?

7 Western Imperialism  Economic Motives for Imperialism:  Technology grew rapidly, new kinds of energy, new machines.  Industrial nations needed a lot of raw materials. (copper and raw materials)  Industrialists thought they could control their new markets. They also control the sources of their raw materials.  Population doubled between 1800-1900 (created many jobs)

8 Western Imperialism  Europeans left their home countries in record numbers during the 1880’s.  Great Britain, France, Germany left overseas  Italy, Spain and Austria-Hungary marked first mass movement of their people.  North America, South America and Australia had many European settlers.

9 Western Imperialism  Cultural Motives for Imperialism  People thought they had the duty to spread Western ideas and knowledge around the world.  “The White Man’s Burden” written by Rudyard Kipling. (western attitude toward non-Western people.  Non-Western people were primitive- “half devil and half child.”

10 Western Imperialism  Missionaries:  Churches in Europe and United States sent people to colonies.  Wanted to convert people to Christianity. They also help build schools, medical training, opened hospitals.  Medicine, hygiene, and sanitation spread along with Christianity.

11 Western Imperialism  European Claims in North Africa  French, occupied the Algiers a Muslim state of the Ottoman Empire.  Tunis east of Algiers also part of the Ottoman Empire became ruled by the French. The Turkish governor stayed as ruler, but French controlled the county.  Morocco was located on Strait of Gibraltar, 1904 France, Britain, Spain and Italy made an agreement that France would control of Morocco.  1909 Morocco became a French protectorate.

12 Western Imperialism  British in North Africa:  Egypt belonged to the Ottoman Empire  1854 Egyptian government allowed a French company to start building a canal.  Suez Canal run through the Isthmus and Suez connected to the Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea.  Egypt bought almost half the stock in the Suez Canal.  1875 Britain brought the Egypt’s stock ( Britain controls the canal)

13 Western Imperialism  Sudan was an Egyptian colony, Great Britain and France were interested to control the area.  Nile River was in Sudan,  Muslim leader named Muhammad Ahmad led a revolt against Egyptian rule. (al Mahdi the expected one)  1898 Britain invaded Sudan  Fashoda crisis (who was going to control Sudan)

14 Western Imperialism  Competition for West Africa:  Slave trade was major industry in this region  Turned to other trade once slavery was abolished.

15 Western Imperialism  Competition for South Africa  Cape town was settled by the Dutch (Cape Colony)  British seized Cape Colony  The Boers: descendants of the original Dutch settlers.  Great Trek: is when many people from this region moved North and East when the British took over.  Spoke their own language known as Afrikaans  Shaka was a great Zulu ruler  The British destroyed the Zulu empire.

16 Western Imperialism  Competition for South Africa  Diamonds, discovered.  Boer War: was when Boers and the British fought for three years, British won and began mining in parts of South Africa and West Africa.

17 Western Imperialism  Imperialism was difficult experience for all of Africa.  Most areas Europeans controlled all levels of government.  Controlled the lives of the people, Africans were not able to rule themselves. Called paternalism  Europeans improved medicine, roads and railroads, also helped in providing new ways to farm.  Assimilation: happens when people give up their own culture completely and adopt another.  European’s wanted Africans to adopt their culture.

18 Western Imperialism  Expansion in Asia:  India was controlled by the British as a private colony.  British East Indian Company  Helped build roads, better hospitals, communication, improved farming methods.  British put themselves above Indian society.  Education began to grow in India  Indian nationalism began to grow in the late 1800’s

19 Western Imperialism  Imperialism in Japan:  Japan was not controlled by Western countries, but it began to industrialize.  Meiji Restoration is when a group of samurai overthrew the Tokugawa shogunate. They returned the power to the emperor.  One of the most important changes was to do away with the old system of social classes.  New constitution also took shape and formed a two- house national assembly called the DIET.

20 Western Imperialism  The Sino-Japanese War:  Korea, was a dependent colony of China.  China didn’t allow anyone to control Korea, but Russia, France, and the United States wanted to trade there.  Japan didn’t want western countries to come near Korea, fear they would try to control Japan.  Sino (means Chinese) Chinese and Japanese tried to control Korea. Japan won  Korea gained independence, and Japan got control of Taiwan and small islands next to it. Japan won right to trade in China. This war marked Japan as a world power.

21 Western Imperialism  Imperialism in Latin America:  Europeans & Americans began to invest money in Latin America. (textile mills, mines, plantations, families and companies bought ranches)  Many took away ranches from the Native families.  The money invested was sent back to their native countries, so this didn’t help with the growth of the Latin Countries.

22 Western Imperialism  Spanish-American War:  Issue began with the disagreement with Spain over Cuba.  Cubans wanted their freedom, Americans had business in Cuba so they worried.  The Maine, American battle ship exploded in Havana harbor.  Main was sent to protect American citizens and property.  United States declared war in 1898.

23 Western Imperialism  Spanish-American War:  First battle was the defeat of the Spanish in the Philippines.  Treaty of Paris ended the war in December 1898.  Spain gave up: Cuba, Puerto Rico, Philippines, and Guam.  Platt Amendment: Cuba could only transfer land to the United States.

24 Western Imperialism  Panama Canal:  Panama Canal opened in 1914, greatest engineering project.  French Company who built the Suez Canal tried to build a canal across Panama. The U.S. took over and completed the project.

25 Western Imperialism  Roosevelt Corollary:  Theodore Roosevelt said, “ if the independence of any country in the Western Hemisphere was in danger, the U.S. would act to prevent other countries from entering.

26 Western Imperialism  Mexico’s Revolution:  1910 Porfirio Diaz had been a dictator for more than 30 years.  Allowed many foreign companies to take Mexico’s natural resources.  Allowed rich Mexicans to control the land.  Diaz jailed his opponent for presidency. (Francisco Madero)  Revolt broke out against the government.  1913 Victoriano Huerta member of Madero’s government betrayed him.

27 Western Imperialism  Mexico’s Revolution:  Madero was taken prisoner and shot.  Venustiano Carranza led revolt against Huerta (violent civil war)  Struggle was over land in Mexico.  Peasants wanted land to be turned over to them.  Emiliano Zapata was their leader.  U.S. got involved when Americans soldiers got arrested in Mexico in 1914.

28 Western Imperialism  Mexico’s Revolution:  Pancho Villa led the revolt and fought against Carranza.  Pushed his troops into New Mexico killing many Americans.  Woodrow Wilson sent troops to push back the Mexican troops. Mexican forces became worried and backed off.  But the U.S. became concerned with the World War that was taking place.

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