Isle of Wight 2014 Residential Trip 19 th May to 23 rd May 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Isle of Wight 2014 Residential Trip 19 th May to 23 rd May 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Isle of Wight 2014 Residential Trip 19 th May to 23 rd May 2014

2 Itinerary Monday 19 th May 2014 Coach to arrive at 7.30am Depart school at 8.00am Catch the Wightlink Ferry at 11.30pm Blackgang Chine pm Eve – Free time on the beach

3 Tuesday 20 th May Morning at Beach Theatre Workshop Godshill Model Village Eve-Free time 6.30pm

4 Wednesday 21 st May Osborne House 10.00am Amazon World12.30pm Lunch on site Theatre Visit- 6.30pm

5 Thursday 22 nd May Robin Hill Country Park all day Free Time

6 Friday 23 rd May Depart hotel at 9.00am Catch the Wightlink Ferry at 10.00am Arrive back at school at 2.00/2.30 approx pm

7 Suggested Kit List Sturdy suitcase or travel bag with name and address clearly marked on it 2 (at least) pairs of trousers/jeans/shorts/skirts 2 Shirts/blouses 2 sweaters 4 T-shirts Trainers – comfortable shoes Slippers Numerous pairs of socks and underwear 1 plastic bin liner for dirty washing Pyjamas/nightdress A towel Washing kit- flannel, soap, toothbrush, hairbrush, comb etc A stamped self-addressed postcard- extra stamps are useful Waterproof coat with hood Sun cream

8 Hand Baggage Needed on outward journey and therefore not packed in the suitcase Small rucksack suitable for walking Packed lunch for Monday Water bottle - not glass Named purse/wallet Medicines to be clearly marked and handed into staff Cameras and extra film Waterproof jacket with hood Travel sickness tablets Pencil case Pocket money to be handed in- £20.00 in £1 coins NOT REQUIRED: Items of sentimental value. Electronic items, mobile phones, i- pods, stereos, aerosol deodorants, chewing gum, hoards of sweets

9 Emergency Contact If during school hours contact the school office If outside normal school operating hours contact the hotel: The Chestnuts Hotel 4 Hope Road, Shanklin Isle of Wight, PO37 6EA Tel: 01983 862162 Email:

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