Learning to read Installing a wired modem router.

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1 Learning to read Installing a wired modem router

2 A modem router is a device that connects your com puter or home LAN to the Internet. -First, plug one end of the phone cord directly into a phone jack, and the other end to the ADSL port on the touter. -Then, plug one end of the Ethernet cable into your computer’s network port and the other end into na Ethernet port on the router. -Finally, turn on your computer. To set up, or configure the router, you’ll need to put in some parameters, for example your ISP’s name and phone number.

3 Preparing to read What kind of text is it? Where could we find it? What’s the purpose of the text? Based on this purpose, which processes do you expec to find in the text?

4 Deconstructing the text Let’s take a look at the processes highlighted in the text: -What do they express? The first paragraph is different from the others. Why? Is there a sequence of actions? How is it expressed in the text? Which verb tense is most used in the text? Why? How is it formed in English?

5 GUIDED READING Let’s highlight the main ideas in the text: First paragraph: router connects PC to the Internet; Second Paragraph: Plug Ethernet Cable/ phone jack/ the other end/ Ethernet port; Third Paragraph: Turn on the PC/ Configure. Writing: Write a short text with the information given. Add some new information, if possible.

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